Web Folio Reflection

Designing a Web Folio was the final big project for this term. This was the last big assignment to be completed before the holidays. As I inched closer to the finish line, I kept thinking this would be a simple process. See the source imageHowever, once this process began, I was in for some work. First of all, choosing a well-suited template felt like an entire project in itself. I must have changed the site identity and layout about thirty times. Nothing felt just right, which delayed the start of the actual editing process until passed approval. I would like to congratulate those who design web pages for a living, because my extreme indecisiveness would not be helpful when deciding how a page will look. After some time, I finally picked one and off I went with the rest of the assignment.

Soon I was looking back at the work completed at the beginning of the term. Luckily, I took time earlier in the month to edit and rewrite my three definitions and the peer review of that assignment. I checked that off the list fairly quickly. Other assignments took a bit more time, but it was fun to look back and have the chance to improve the writing that would be included on my best works page. This portion appeared to have a lot more work cut out for it because of the requirement to include summaries or introductions for each assignment.

I chose to keep the past assignments and posts on the site because I want to be able to look back on everything in the future. Writing out the home page and navigation bar was fairly simple. Including a photo of myself with my teammates speaking to young athletes felt like a good impression for any reader who visits the site. During the process of completing the site, jumping around each page split up the load of work so the work never felt like too much of going over one thing. At the end, there was only a bit of work to do for each section before checking off the completion box.

Re-writing the about me page was interesting. The bio written in September was very different from the updated version. Having just began my computer science program when the original one was posted, I experienced a shift and figured out throughout the term that I needed more time to figure out what my  future looks like. The previous bio felt like it was written by a completely different person, and looking back was intriguing to see what changed.

As a whole, re-creating the blog site was a rewarding experience. Although stressful and frustrating in moments, the hardest part was getting started. The hardest part was sitting down to begin the process. Once the ball was rolling, re-reading and re-writing was enjoyable. Seeing the comparison between my original work and updated work, and original peer reviews to the re-worked reviews provided confirmation of growth in myself as a writer. Thanks to this class, I would consider creating another blog to continue some form of writing. I do not see myself continuing this site, but having it as a reference for everything done in this class will be a good memory resource.

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