Best Works

This page is intended to show the previous assignments I have completed for my English class. Here are some of my best works, with a short summary and an attached pdf hyperlink for each assignment.


Three Definitions Assignment

For this assignment, we were given the task of providing three definitions of a term: parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions. My chosen term was “cognitive dissonance” from the field of psychology. This term was to be defined for an audience unfamiliar with the definition. This assignment highlighted my skill to adjust the language I would use when speaking to a certain audience.

Three Definitions Assignment


Peer Review of Three Definitions Assignment

This peer review was in response to the above mentioned assignment. Critiquing a team member’s definition gave myself more insight on how to properly write an extensive definition. Originally having the task of writing about my chosen definition for this assignment, this peer review let me switch into the audience role. I could then keep in mind the points of feedback to my peer when critiquing my own work.

Peer Review of Three Definitions Assignment


Formal Report Proposal

The purpose of this project was to propose a research idea on a topic I am passionate about. Inevitably I chose women’s baseball as my research topic. Included were details separated into an introduction, statement of problem, proposed solution, intended audience, scope, methods, my qualifications, and conclusion. This was the basis for the report that would be presented at the end of the school term.

Revised Formal Report Proposal


Progress Report

The progress report was an update on how the formal report was coming along that was presented to our instructor. This assignment outlined the schedule for completing the formal report and included more details on what the report would look like, and potential survey and interview questions.

Progress Report with Survey/Interview Questions


Complaint and Response Letter

This assignment was for experience in handling a issue between two parties, while getting the chance to write out a letter on both sides of the situation. Here, employing a YOU-attitude when writing the letter of adjustment was important and has become a significant tool for writing strategy since. This assignment was based on a real experience, where I was able to write about the manner in a professional tone.

Complaint and Response Letters


Peer Review of Application Package

The objective of this assignment was to peer review a team members application package. I critiqued their cover letter, resume, and three reference letter requests, employing the YOU-attitude once again and keeping a positive tone in the review. I was able to gain an understanding of different approaches to writing out these various application contents by looking at a peer’s application package.

Peer Review of Application Package


Peer Review of Formal Report

This peer review was for the formal report draft. I examined a report on increasing UBC’s ACSA Mentorship Program participants. Here I focused on grammar and spelling mistakes, overall flow of the draft, and questioning whether there can be more details put in to place by asking the writer a few questions.

Peer Review of Formal Report Draft