Social enterprise and programs like the Arc are essential in improving society. Social entrepreneurship, accomplishes the impossible; it creates profitable businesses while supporting global issues. This win-win situation is perhaps one of the most economic and stable techniques that help people around the world. The Arc also helps to solve issues but has an approach that differs from general donation. The Arc, educates people in impoverished countries marketing, finance, operations and other skills that allow them to create a profitable business. These skills are more valuable than donations as they give people a lasting method to support themselves and their family.
The United Nation is a huge global organization that assists numerous different issues. However, even if it was fully funded social enterprise and the Arc are still greatly needed. A fully funded United Nations would be able to expand and create more programs helping additional issues in additional areas of society, yet the UN would still be unable to reach every issue. The truth is that there are much too many problems for one sole organization to solve; there must be support form the global community. Social enterprises and programs like the Arc allow businesses to become involved in these problems in a variety of ways. These enterprises and programs often create innovative, long lasting solutions that may not occur in such a large and widespread organization like the UN. Even if the UN was fully funded programs like the Arc and social enterprise are essential to improve society.