CVS Vows to Quit Selling Tobacco Products

This article discusses CVS, America’s largest drug store chain, has chosen to stop selling any tobacco related products. Though their action will not impact tobacco sales as a whole, it will encourage other companies to follow suit. Walgreens has been assessing the controversial topic, but has decided to continue selling tobacco while educating customers about the dangers of smoking and creating alternatives. Customers are starting to pay close attention to company ethics. Though companies’ changes may initially cause them to loose revenue (as CVS is loosing $2 billion), their responsible choice will make customers more trusting of the company and inclined to buy their products. Being socially responsible could almost be thought as a marketing technique. Furthermore, many municipalities have created laws preventing the sale of tobacco within pharmacies or drugstores. Municipalities believe that cigarettes should not be sold in an environment that is providing health care, especially if many of the sicknesses are directly linked to tobacco. In this circumstance, government intervention is assisting citizens in making healthy choices and creating a positive impact. With cigarettes more difficult to purchase, I believe that the tobacco use will naturally decrease, improving the health of citizens.



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