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Apr 1 / ceciliawang

Comm 299: Greatest Lesson Learned

Comm 299: Business Communications or “Career Fundamentals” is a course that people either love or hate. For  me, having transferred into Commerce during my second year, I didn’t necessarily have all the experience or knowledge as my peers. Comm 299 helped me discover my passions, made my resume 100% more efficient, taught me interview skills, but most importantly, made me realize the value of communication. For all of that, I tip my hat to Philippe Desrochers.

Before Comm 299, I had never heard of the term “informational interview.” When Philippe first introduced it, I thought to myself, “why would anyone want to waste their time talking to a figurehead at a company with no job expectation.” Then came the question, “what do you talk about?” Obviously, it’s not like meeting  just a friend for coffee. But when Philippe reassured us that employers are genuinely interested in students and care about our interests, that was good to hear! I’m starting to request my first informational interviews now, which is another way of saying “I’ve run out of intelligent things to say for now, but let me get back to you!” (Just kidding.) But I can honestly say that I truly value the skills I’ve learned, bring on the job hunting!

To Philippe and the Comm 299 peer advisors, my CAR statements thank you!


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