
Airbnb: Finding a Unique Place to Stay


Airbnb's Website

Image from Airbnb

The first time I used Airbnb, an online marketplace for people to list and book accommodations,  I was not only surprised at how easy it was to find a place to stay in Montreal, but also how quickly I could learn about my host on Airbnb and feel a sense of assurance about the place I was staying.

Airbnb’s value proposition is huge. With its plethora of user reviews and requirement for users to log in using social media, Airbnb is able to easily establish a platform of trust between hosts and customers. Its easy-to-use platform also attracts users from vacation goers to frequent business travelers, allowing Airbnb to target a very diverse customer segment.

Because buyers must showcase their identity and producers continuously develop their reputation on Airbnb through reviews, a stronger relationship between consumer and producer is always being built. This sense of community is definitely new to the 21st century, but I believe it’s exactly what is building Airbnb’s success.

Have you ever tried Airbnb? If so, what was your experience like? Share your thoughts with me below.

Check out Airbnb here.


Friedman, Thomas L. “And Now for a Bit of Good News . . .” The New York Times. The New York Times, 19 July 2014. Web. 05 Oct. 2014.

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