Lies, Leverage and Profits

Terrifying your customers into purchasing your products is not an ethical way of operating in the business world.

Al Gore, with a net worth that has sky rocketed since he left government, has taken advantage of citizens and reaped the benefits that have come from it. Gore is famous for his preaching of the upcoming global warming and the need for a more sustainable way to create energy. What is less known about him is that he has numerous investments in the environmentally friendly products that he pushes at his seminars.

Obviously, every producer has a target market, but very few have one that has been created through fear. It begs the question, is Gore’s ideal consumer one that is conscientious about the environment or rather one that is easily manipulated and impulsive. Whether global warming is relevant or not, Gore is forcing his opinion of the future onto an audience that then feels inclined to purchase products that make him profitable. If he truly believes in global warming and he was making money on the awareness of this concept alone that would be noble and just. Due to the large sums of money he has received, I have skepticism in whether those are truly his beliefs or if it is merely an unethical ploy aimed at large profits.

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