Do New Products Mean New Jobs?

In Logan blog titled “Corn: Food or Fuel?” the concept of opportunity cost was defined very clearly. He used the situation of corn having dual uses both as source of creating ethanol and human consumption to describe the opportunity cost. This particular situation is very interesting as corn has become a currency representing a form of capital that needs to be strategically allocated in order to yield the greatest amount of benefit.

I found this post to be particularly interesting as it raises the question, how many other products will develop an alternate use? The true interest is in what will happen when the function of this alternate use becomes more vital than it’s current one. With more and more entrepreneurs creating innovate functions for current products this question becomes increasingly significant.

The growing importance for the use of corn for ethanol could potentially pave the way for a new market in which a new specific type of entrepreneur creates new uses for old products. Although, this market would have to revolve around proprietary information and unique patents to become profitable, it is possible. This idea greatly aligns with increasing trends toward environmental sustainability giving it viable potential in the future.


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