Dell Fails to Adapt In Surging Market

Will the computer technology corporation Dell be able to restructure before they are permanently tossed by the wayside?

Dell a once strong market controlling computer software corporation has found itself in a technical environment where they only things that seem stable are change and Dell itself. The company began with sufficient points of parity but now seems to lack in innovative competition. Companies such as apple and HP are creating products that Dell is unable to keep up with.

Dell does have one very significant point of difference and that is the customization that is available for their products. While it is true that the service of a custom made computer is not available at any other high end corporation, at a certain point consumers stop caring. A well-made stock product becomes more appealing than a poorly made out dated custom product.

With stock value quickly declining it is clear that Dell has made a fundamental error by placing all of its energy into its point of difference instead of placing some on the just as vital points of parity. It is not necessary for Dell to create a product that will vastly exceed the capabilities of its competitors; it is however, prudent that they create one that can at least compare to them.

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