Better Place Gains Ground In Electric Car Innovation

Better Place is changing the electric vehicle industry and in my opinion, it will result in a ripple of lasting changes throughout the market. In Peter Nowak’s blog post, Better Place electric cars need better business plan he writes about the flaws of their business plan, offering no possible alternatives or suggestions.

The market for electric cars has always been plagued by the same problems, they’re inconvenient and their price is above that of what an average consumer is willing to pay. Better Place is the first company to make a significant attempt at addressing all of these issues while still remaining profitable.

The true issue the company faces is not within the mission of their business statement but rather the lack of brand loyalty they have been able to create so far. As with any product, loyalty will not be achieved without a copious amount of time and effort. However, there is no doubt that sustainability is the way of the future and Better Place is absolutely heading in the right direction. If it were obvious, the issue of mass gasoline consumption by vehicles would have been solved. The simple truth is, it’s not obvious. It’s going to take continued outside of the box thinking to create a resolution and in my opinion Better Place holds the strongest points of difference in that category.–better-place-electric-cars-need-better-business-plan



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