Snickers Draw the Line Between Offensive and Funny

To what extent is it strategic to risk offending a large demographic in order to create a humorous campaign? The Snickers marketing team are undoubtedly considering this question right now. They recently released an ad in Australia in which construction workers follow maybe their most prominent stereotype, yelling at passing women. However, instead of cat calls and inappropriate remarks, they are shouting uplifting and female empowering comments. The commercial ends with the famous Snickers slogan “you’re not you when you’re hungry,” implying the only reason the workers yell positive comments is because they are not acting themselves.

View the ad here Australian Snickers Ad 

                To no surprise this ad campaign has had a negative backlash in the public as it effectively offends both female and male genders. While I found the ad to be wildly hilarious, I feel that it is more detrimental to the brand than it is beneficial. Yes the ad is funny. However, I don’t believe it strengthens the brand in any manner and it has undoubtedly upset many potential consumers.

What I offer is an alternative. Is there a way in which they could construct the ad to alleviate any offensive content and still keep all of the comedic elements? I believe the solution is clear. Here’s the scene: Construction workers are falling into usual negative stereotypes because guess what? They’re hungry! They consume the snickers bar and then cue the ironically hilarious remarks they make to passing females. Construction workers are respected by showing hunger is the cause for their sexist comments and the positive comments they make to women are merely the way it should be.

Image from the Snickers Ad Campaign

I don’t believe there to be any sexists on the Snickers marketing staff, maybe they were just in need of their own product because hey, “you’re not you when you’re hungry.”


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