Multiple innovative marketing tactics from “DealFind”

In Alan Choi’s blog post “Marketing is everywhere“, he outlined his daily routine which mainly involves surfing the net for good deals. I can relate to Alan as online shopping has always been a past time of mine. Recently, I got a fantastic deal from a website called “Dealfind”. Instead of lining up in front of future shop on boxing day, I bought a 400 dollars worth Google Tablet for only 85 bucks!
An item that caught my attention was the huge heading at the top of the webpage stating “Total Dollars Saved: $448,493,710”. This number increases everyday, and the save more mentality of Dealfind’s customers further stimulates customers to purchase more.
Here is a recent marketing tactic being used by Dealfind:
Wait!! Genuine 100% Authentic Louis Vuitton Handbag for 80 dollars?
  • Wait!! Genuine 100% Authentic Louis Vuitton Handbag for 80 dollars?
Take a look at what they said on their website:

Don’t worry, the good people at Dealfind haven’t lost their minds. In addition to our regular daily deals, we’re announcing “Dream Deals” with prices you just won’t believe! Dream Deals can launch without warning, and with extremely limited quantities. We know what you’re thinking; “it’s too good to be true” and “how the heck can Dealfind find such amazing prices on such hot products”? The truth is… we can’t. We’re selling these products for way less than what we bought them for. So, instead of spending our money on billboards and newspaper ads, we want to give thanks to our great customers who make Dealfind possible. Visit Dealfind often because you never know when Dream Deals will appear and how many items will be available.

By launching the Dream Deal, the customers will visit the website more often therefore bring Dealfind more profit.

Another marketing tool is that with the vision of “Sharing is Caring”, Dealfind encourages their customers to  share deals with their friends via email, Facebook, Twitter, or however you’d like and they will be paid in cash. “The more you share, the more money you make!” This is an effective way of expanding their customer base as social media is effective in influencing young buyer’s decision.

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