It is funny to see how yogurt brands are competing with each other, trying to make the best yogurt with less calories. I remember the time when there was only one type of yogurt: the normal type of yogurt. Today you can find different labels for yogurt: diet, light, 0% fat, less calories. I have noticed that most of the yogurt commercials are directed to women, having them as the target audience, especially for the less caloric yogurt ads. Yogurt brands, like Dannon, are investing more on what the audience is looking for. Women are constantly concerned about being healthy and reducing fat from their diet. Also, many of them care about how many calories are in the food they eat. Following what its audience is searching for, Dannon sells its product and modifies it to suit consumers.
Dannon’s commercial is entertaining and at the same time effective. Dannon is able to sell its brand and present the product’s features in its commercial. The commercial does not only emphasizes the fact that the yogurt contains only 80 calories, but it also shows how tasty it is. It is so tasty that the person who is eating it does not want to waste a single drop of yogurt. Being light & fit is what everyone wishes!