As I was reading chapter 8 from the marketing textbook, I found a really interesting topic for discussion today. There was a section on the bottom of page 159 that made me want to discuss about it even more. It basically talked about how brands are expanding their image in society, increasing their sales and attracting young teenagers to their market. Many well known brands that have adults as their target audience are also pursuading children to join them. I totally agree how kids and young teenagers from nowadays seem to care more about fashion and brands. My younger cousin, for instance, is an example of that. Some years ago, parents were the ones who would dress their children with the clothes they bought for them. However, today things have change a little. When my cousin was a kid, she used to pick which clothes she would wear everyday, many times rejecting the clothes her mom chose for her. Now, as a teenager, she is even more picky. Her closet is filled with expensive clothes, shoes and bags, all from famous brands. Indeed, the expensive brands are attracting kids and teenagers before their time. One of the reasons why teenagers are buying expensive brands is to fit in the high status environment surround them. The fashion world is encouraging more people to stay fashion by considering only the expensive brands. Many times teenagers are influenced to purchase a product because their friends have it or because that product is simply everywhere. The brand “Kipling,” for example, is a very well known bag brand. It is a success in Brazil, with kids and teenagers as its target audience. Although expensive, Kipling was a success in my school in Brazil. Every girl would carry a Kipling bag to school. If you did not have one, you were a minority. That’s why famous brands are attracting the younger market. Famous brands are indeed increasing their profits with the young audience. Parents are spending more money today, sastifying their children’s wants. The same concept is applicable to kids wearing famous brands. However in this case, it is the parents’ incentive to buy their kids expensive clothes. I remember entering the “Puma” store in Brazil and finding shoes for babies. Since Puma is a foreign brand in Brazil, all of their products are priced at a premium level. I remember my first impression when I looked at the baby shoes was “This pair of shoes is so tiny and cute” followed by “Who will buy this? It is so expensive.” However, who knows …