Monthly Archives for October 2012

How does Joe Keep it Fresh?

After having read an article about Joe Fresh’s marketing director, Susan Krashinsky, and the store’s original marketing strategies, it occurred to me that there are aspects of the company that are similar to those of the companies Zappos and Zara, … Continue reading

26. October 2012 by celiabeketa
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Female African Entrepreneurs a Source of Economic Growth

After having read Josh Kron’s article on female entrepreneurship in Africa, I was shocked to discover that female African entrepreneurs are proving to do the seemingly impossible. Not only are they outperforming the men in regards to economic contributions, they … Continue reading

15. October 2012 by celiabeketa
Categories: Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Re: First Nations Want “More” out of Mining Talks

Carey Lee’s blog post on the complexities regarding consultation processes between First Nations and the mining industry led me to ponder the importance of business ethics in situations such as these. First Nations in Northern Ontario have recently disputed the new mining … Continue reading

08. October 2012 by celiabeketa
Categories: Uncategorized | Leave a comment

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