Microsoft’s Innovative Twist on Brand Positioning

We are all too familiar with those tedious television ads that use the exasperating act of repetition in order to implant a message in our minds. Well, what if you found out that marketing was taking an innovative approach in regards to brand positioning?

Microsoft has created a new, interactive advertising system for its gaming system, the Xbox. The advertising system, “NUads” is the first to allow users to interact with advertisements from companies such as Subway, Toyota and Rogers. Users are given the chance to not only answer poll questions with their opinions on products, but also to test their knowledge of the plot of the ad by answering “just-for-fun” questions. NUads likewise provides companies with the opportunity to see into the minds of consumers and thereby acquire a better understanding of their values and opinions. This is a skill that is certainly beneficial in the realm of brand positioning, where the company’s goal is to hold a memorable, first-in-line position in the consumer’s mind.

It is in this sense that Microsoft is truly taking brand positioning to a new level. The companies involved with NUads are fully equipped to enter the battle for the consumer’s mind, but are the consumers vulnerable enough to succumb to the conquest?

Below is a video that displays the interactivity of Microsoft’s NUads:

Sources: (photo)

30. September 2012 by celiabeketa
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

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