English 470A: Canadian Literary Genres

Fall/Winter 2016

Category: Unit 3

The Custom of the Country: Colonialism and Naming in GGRW

For this assignment I have chosen to focus specifically on one recurrent feature of King’s  Green Grass, Running Water, which I, while reading the novel, believed to be symbolic but for which no apparent explanation was provided in Jane Flick’s “Reading Notes for Green Grass, Running Water“. There are numerous central characters in King’s novel, […]

3.5 Circularity as Centrality in Green Grass, Running Water

In order to tell us the story of a stereo salesman, Lionel Red Deer (whose past mistakes continue to live on in his present), a high school teacher, Alberta Frank (who wants to have a child free of the hassle of wedlock—or even, apparently, the hassle of heterosex!), and a retired professor, Eli Stands Alone […]

3.5 Canada’s Colonial Imagination

3 ] Frye writes: A much more complicated cultural tension [more than two languages] arises from the impact of the sophisticated on the primitive, and vice a versa. The most dramatic example, and one I have given elsewhere, is that of Duncan Campbell Scott, working in the department of Indian Affairs in Ottawa. He writes […]

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