Tag Archives: LIBE 467 63C

Producing Information literate students: Assignment 3 – Reference resource plan for my LLC

Library Web page teaser. (U.S. Air Force graphic/Stephen Collier)


At the moment, the reference resource section of my school Library Learning Commons is pretty much non-existent. When I started in my current library, the print reference resources looked much like the picture above, maybe a bit newer. It took me about a year of working towards transforming the space into a Learning Commons to realize where the reference resources resided and that nobody was using them, even me. They were out-of-date and kept on a very high shelf. In a purging mood one week, I de-selected the entire area and didn’t feel too guilty about it because we have good online resources. However, I feel like I have had a change of heart and now have a plan to make a reference resource section that everyone will want to use!  

Stage 1: Purchase New Print Reference Resources! 

First of all, I was doing it wrong; I thought that having good online subscriptions to reference resources meant that I did not need any print reference resources. In reading that Teacher-librarians should not discriminate, for or against, one format (print or electronic) over another. They should try to determine what reference, in which format, will help students and teachers to answer their questions and support the development of information skills” (UBC, lesson 4), I began to question my previous mindset. Therefore, I did some further research into the print vs. electronic debate for my second theme reflection. I found out that I am not the only one having an internal conflict about this. Ithe article “Digital vs. Print: Taking a Position as an Academic Librarian” from the Library Journal online Steven Bell points out that “New research suggests ... Students fail to comprehend complex or lengthy material in digital format as well as they do in print”(par.3). This convinced me that although I was correct that the print reference resources I had were not useful in my library, I just need to select new print reference resources even if they are pricey. I need to select new reference resources that are more appealing to Elementary students, which means they need more visuals.  One other important point that I learned as a new Teacher Librarian was that “Reference selection tools or aids serve to assist the school librarian in evaluating sources for possible inclusion into the library, as well as identifying gaps in the reference collection. However, these are merely aids; they can only assist if the school librarian has a complete knowledge of the collection and uses good judgment based on the existing resources and the needs of the community and students served”(Riedling, p.21). I needed to be in the library for a year before I knew that I needed to de-select those items and now, another year later, I have a better idea of what we need to replace those. 

In my last blog post, reflecting on the course, I posted a few examples of print reference resources that I think would be suitable and interesting. I feel like I will begin with just a few, such as handbooks (a more inexpensive option) and a visual thesaurus and encyclopedia.  

Here are some examples of what I would like to purchase: 

I got some ideas from classmate’s in this course from the first theme reflection blog posts, thanks everyone!

I found these on Titlewave (through Destiny) and what I like about Titlewave is that I can make a saved list for when I am ready to purchase. 

In addition to a yearly purchase of The Farmer’s Almanac, I think other handbooks would be popular in Elementary School.

cover_imageThis handbooks would spark interest for my elementary students. Plus, the lessons that come out of it would be useful!

For an Encyclopedia, The new children’s encyclopedia. (Visual Encyclopedia) is one I would purchase.


Finally, for a thesaurus, this is an example of what I would like:


Stage 2: Make a usable and comfortable place for browsing! 

One thing I am missing in my Library Learning Commons is a section comfortable for browsing the print reference resources I have many other areas that are flexible for different learning needs but none that I feel are great for the purpose of browsing reference materials. In the current landscape of Teacher Librarian and the transition to Library Learning Commons, “The role of the school librarian in a Learning Commons is transformed from keeper of the books to a program director with specialized knowledge in information sources and services who coordinates the use of a dynamic space shared by all members of the learning Community”(Riedling, p.117).  So, I feel like I am still trying to perfect my space for all learning purposes. It would have to be an area directly next to the print reference resources and have at least one computer to access the online reference resources. In addition, it would need to have enough space to provide opportunity for interaction and collaboration because “Online reference tools generally meet the immediate information needs of users, so the reference area must be transformed into a center for social interaction, individual and group exploration, and guidance in the location, access, and use of information Resources”(Riedling, p.119). By making an area conducive to using the reference materials would increase use. 

The dream would be to have something like this image but maybe a bit smaller, I don’t have quite the space for such a large unit.

shelf interior bookshelf free photo

Stage 3: Teach lessons on how to use reference resources! 

I could create a fabulous reference section of the Library Learning Commons, but it would still not get any use if students don’t know how to use it. Some students may explore the area on their own but “Research clearly indicates that the development of student competence in information literacy skills is most effective when integrated with classroom instruction through collaborative program planning and teaching by the teacher-librarian and the classroom teacher”(Achieving Information Literacy, p.7). Here are a few lesson ideas that I would collaborate and co-teach with intermediate classroom teachers. 

Research skills:
To expose students to the various reference resource types, I would simply explain the use of each type and then have students explore the resources. Once students know the purpose for each reference resource, we could try to find an answer to a question because “A good reference source is one that serves to answer questions, and a bad reference source is one that fails to answer questions”(p.21).  Exposure to the different kinds of reference resources that exist and telling students how to use them would promote student use of the resources. Once students know the purpose of each resource, they will know the suitable source to go to find answers to the kind of questions they have.  To foster information literacy “It is vital to know when to turn to print resources, when to use the Web, and when to avoid them all in favor of consulting an expert in the field”(Riedling p.113). I will know these lessons are successful when I start to witness students independently using the resources. 

Searching the web: 
One important aspect of teaching about reference resources that I find many teachers are afraid of is internet safety. Many teacher’s answer to this is to just avoid computers in general. However, students are using the internet whether we teach them about it or not, so I believe it is our job to give them the tools to use the internet safely and productively. If we do not, they will try to figure it out themselves and we know that leaving students to their own devices does not always lead to good choices. I agree that I previously thought the internet was a scary place and I didn’t completely realize the existence of “The invisible web – dark web” (UBC, lesson 8) maybe because those are places on the internet that I don’t use.  Teaching students how to be safe online and choose safe sources is beneficial when doing any online learning. By doing the following lessons, it is my hopes that students will begin to be critical thinkers in making good decisions for their learning.  

Digital/Media literacy:
An exercise that I feel would be beneficial for students to try is: EVALUATING SEARCH ENGINES (Reidling, Figure 10.1, p.114). I modified this activity to be more suitable for intermediate students by including fewer questions and adding “Kiddle” as a search engine to explore. Then I created it on Microsoft Forms so that I could post it online and students can answer the questions online and submit electronically. 

After teaching students how to evaluate a search engine, it would be beneficial to teach students how to decipher between reliable sources of information that would come up in an online search because “In general, high precision recall from electronic searches depends on how well users understand the source they are using to find information and the quality of their search query”(Riedling 113). Just as we are taught as Teacher Librarians to evaluate the authority of the sources we select, students should be taught what authority of a source is.  

The activity on considering the authority of a web page (Reidling p.55) I have modified to make another sample lesson that is appropriate for intermediate students. 


I do believe that one of the biggest jobs of the Teacher Librarian is to give students appropriate resources to further their learning and understanding.  Currently, my Library Learning Commons is lacking print reference resources that can assist learners in finding answers to their questions. As well, students are lacking the knowledge of how to use different reference resources that can assist them in finding those answers. As a Teacher Librarian I agree that “Access to information and ideas is essential for students to become critical thinkers, competent problem solvers, and lifelong learners who contribute productively and ethically to society”(Achieving Information Literacy p.25) and now I know some more ways to help students achieve those skills. If given appropriate guidance, students will be able to evaluate sources for validity, reliability, and authority which will promote information literacy. To be information fluen[t]involves the following skills: determining the accuracy, credibility, and relevance of a source; distinguishing among facts, points of view, and opinions presented in a source; and selecting the most useful resources for a particular information need”(Riedling 115). By offering a diverse selection of print reference resources in combination with online sources, an area conducive to utilizing those resources and the tools to use it all properly will help to develop information literate students. 

 Works cited: 

Asselin, M., Branch, J., & Oberg, D., (Eds). (2003). Achieving information literacy: Standards for school library programs in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Canadian School Library Association & The Association for Teacher-Librarianship in Canada. 

Bell, S. (n.d.). Digital vs Print: Taking a Position as an Academic Librarian: From the Bell Tower. Retrieved from https://www.libraryjournal.com/?detailStory=digital-vs-print-taking-position-academic-librarian-bell-tower. 

Offutt Library. (2020). Welcome to our library [Image]. Retrieved from https://www.offutt.af.mil/News/Photos/igphoto/2000669114/mediaid/355921/ 

Publicdomainpictures.net. (2020). Shelf interior bookshelf free photo [Image]. Retrieved from https://www.needpix.com/photo/1360655/shelf-interior-bookshelf-reference-book-information-old-studying-literature. 

Riedling, A. (2013). Reference skills for the school library media specialist: Tools and tips, (Third Ed.). Santa Barbara, CA.: Linworth, an Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC. 

UBC. (Winter 2020). “Lesson 1: Information Literacy and Reference Services in Schools”. Theme 1: The foundation of reference services in LIBE 467. Canvas Online Classroom.   

UBC. (Winter 2020).”Lesson 4: Print and/or Electronic Reference Materials “. Theme 2:  Managing and evaluating reference services in LIBE 467. Canvas Online Classroom. 

UBC. (Winter 2020).”Lesson : Digital Resources, the Web, and Grey Literature “. Theme 3:  Reference Materials in LIBE 467. Canvas Online Classroom. 


Hellweg, P. (2018). The American Heritage children’s thesaurus. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 

Packer, A. (2014). How rude! : the teen guide to good manners, proper behavior, and not grossing people out. Free Spirit Publishing. 

Smithsonian. (2019). The new children’s encyclopedia. (Visual encyclopedia).. DK Publishing INC. 

Piquing student interest in reference materials.


I know I’ve already said this but before beginning this course, I de-selected all of my print reference resources mostly because nobody was using them. Upon reflection, maybe I was not promoting them enough so students didn’t know how to use them or want to use them. As well, maybe the reference resources didn’t really spark any interest for me either because they were old, dingy and kept out of reach for me as well as the students. Side note: I am about the same height as an average grade 5 student so I can see from their point of view, literally. Anyways, I didn’t even think we needed the print reference resources because they are found on-line; however, students don’t know how to use those either!  I agree with Rieding when it states, Often students will expect quick and authoritative answers to their questions using an Internet search engine such as Google, but are often disappointed by the number of irrelevant results and annoying advertisements” (Reidling, p39) and it can be frustrating for all involved.

So, in working through this theme and exploring some resources, I started to think about how useful and interesting the students would find some of them. In particular, for this post, I want to focus on some reference types from Theme 3: thesari, handbooks, encyclopedias, and atlases. 


To begin, I was thinking that my grade 4/5 students probably do not know what a thesaurus is but would probably find it pretty handy! In elementary school, I find that students need specific instruction to use a print dictionary or thesaurus. Some students use them independently, but most want to use online sources.  The thesaurus I previously had was also difficult for elementary students to use with only text so I would like to get something with visuals like this: 


 In addition to showing them a print copy and Thesaurus.com I feel like an activity like this would be fun to test their knowledge: 

By doing this kind of activity, it makes students realize what a synonym is, why it is important and if they need to know a bit more.  Then, maybe they will be motivated to use a thesaurus on their own! Wouldn’t that be exciting?!


I have never really thought about having handbooks in the library and I definitely did not think of a handbook as a reference material, for some reason! A handbook is one reference material that I would consider purchasing in print form for the library because “Print copies of almanacs are relatively inexpensive sources of information. By purchasing these resources, the teacher-librarian is able to keep up-to-date information at hand for ready reference” (UBC, lesson 12).

For handbooks, Reidling suggests, “Sources included in a school library collection should be based on the students and community served, the types of questions asked, and the number of questions posed in a particular subject area (curriculum needs). Another critical factor in the selection process is the geographic location of the school” (Reidling, p41). My school is in a semi-rural setting and started a school garden last year so it is really just getting started. Each class has their own plot that they look after but the library does not necessarily have its own. So, I was wondering how the library could be involved and the readings reminded me about the Farmer’s Almanac which, again, I did not think of purchasing as a library resource.

It is reasonably priced on Amazon for $7.91, so I
wouldn’t mind spending that yearly.

The TL could be involved in early planning with classes and use the Farmer’s Almanac as a guide. I like that there is a yearly print version and an online version as well. 

Old Farmer's Almanac

At the moment, the online Farmer’s Almanac has a section for kids. https://www.almanac.com/kids

This would be cool for kids to explore and apply to their own gardens as well as using the rest of the site especially with their knowledge of the school garden from the previous year.

Encyclopedias, maps and atlases:

In my exploration of resources, I got some lesson ideas where students can find information about topics of interest by using these atlas and encyclopedia resources. 

I had a hard time considering the purchase of a new atlas because of the high cost, inconsistent use and the fact that “A five-year-old atlas is considered historical”(Reidling, p.80). Therefore, I would mostly promote online resources to students because With the wealth of geographical sources currently online, it is now significantly less complicated to fulfill the diverse requests required by students”(Reidling, p79). It might be good to have at least one current print atlas and encyclopedia but “Regardless of the format, the resources must provide the desired information quickly and easily and be clear and legible” (Reidling, p.80).

National Geographic kids has many options where students can access integrated information. For example, when I typed in “MAPS” in search, it produced some animal results and when I explored those items, the information combines maps with the animals such as this information on Grey Wolves.

I like The Canadian Encyclopedia as a free encyclopedia resource because of its many features such as geographical features in each province and maps. For example, in the “browse” area, I searched “Geographical Features” and found an article on “Allison Pass” where is shows a map of the area and discusses the location and elevation. Students can relate to areas that they may be familiar with in their own province and explore other areas of interest as well.  


So, if the reference resources are presented in a more appealing way and students are taught how interesting and useful they are, I could see justifying the purchase of more print resources. To be honest, when I started this course, I was not interested in reference materials and I don’t think I completely understood what reference materials were! I didn’t have any in my library and wasn’t planning on purchasing any  more. In addition, as a fairly new TL, I was still figuring out what kinds of lessons are important to teach at which grade level to truly utilize all of what the library can offer. I found that intermediate students don’t need a story every time but do benefit from lessons like how to use more features of the library catalog. Now I would add lessons on how to use reference materials, such as the ones I have discussed, because now I know more useful resources that the students would find interesting. I still think that the print reference materials I originally had were old and boring but now I also know that it doesn’t have to be the case. Each year, I have a running list (mostly in my head) about resources that the school needs for the coming year and now new reference materials are on the (mental) list. 

Works cited:

Riedling, A. (2013). Reference skills for the school library media specialist: Tools and tips, (Third Ed.). Santa Barbara, CA.: Linworth, an Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC.

UBC. (Winter 2020). “Lesson 12: Dictionaries and thesauri; almanacs yearbooks and handbooks “. Theme 3: Reference Materials in LIBE 467. Canvas Online Classroom.  


Do you know your synonyms, or words that mean the same thing? | CBC Kids. (2020). Retrieved 4 April 2020, from https://www.cbc.ca/kidscbc2/the-feed/do-you-know-your-synonyms-or-words-that-mean-the-same-thing

Hellweg, P. (2018). The American Heritage children’s thesaurus. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Home | The Canadian Encyclopedia. (2020). Retrieved 5 April 2020, from https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en

The Old Farmer’s Almanac. (2020). Retrieved 5 April 2020, from https://www.almanac.com/.

Thesaurus.com – The world’s favorite online thesaurus!. (2020). Retrieved 4 April 2020, from https://www.thesaurus.com/

Assignment 2: Collaborate with a Teacher and Evolve their practice

I have been the Teacher Librarian at a K-5 English Language Elementary School for two years. There are 14 classrooms of just over 300 students. The school is located in a semi-rural area and the population of students come from families with higher socio-economic status. Print reference resources were extremely out-of-date and above the reading level for most students in the school so most have been de-selected, leaving the Library Learning Commons with very few. The district provides subscriptions to many online reference resources such as Worldbook Online, Ebsco Database, Thompson Gale Database, and National Geographic for Kids; however, most of the teachers are not using any reference resource with their classes and I wonder if this is because they are not sure that the library has them or because they don’t know how to use them even if they know they exist. The library is transitioning to a Learning Commons format but is still lacking a seating area where patrons can comfortably peruse print reference resources. Many teachers at the school have been teaching there for many years and are a bit “stuck in their ways” but as the school has been growing, there are more young teachers who seem eager and willing to try some new ideas. I find many of the seasoned teachers have been through the changes of having a Teacher Librarian and then having them taken away so now they are reluctant to rely on working with another teacher, which I have found a challenge in booking times outside of a weekly book exchange in order to give lessons on reference resources. I think this is because “When people are overwhelmed or feeling unsuccessful, they are not ready to grow. In that case they will NOT state responses such as those listed at the level we might expect. They will be focused at a lower level where they still have concerns. If their professional development needs remain unmet, they can easily become stuck at some lower level of development, perhaps even for the rest of their career!”(Loucks-Horsley, 1996, p.7). There has not been a culture of inquiry at any level in the school as of yet. The school I was teaching at before this is a school where there is a very strong culture of inquiry starting in kindergarten and by the time students get to grade 4/5, all grade 4/5 classes work towards a showcase at the end of the year. I would like to create an inquiry culture at my current location, but it may be challenging because it is not happening at all and “The effective implementation of a new program is a highly personal developmental process” (http://www.sedl.org/cbam/, par.2). Therefore, I will be focussing my energy on two of the newer teachers to the school and applying “The Concerns Based Adoption Model” which uses “the seven stages of concern” to evaluate their readiness for collaboration with me, the Teacher Librarian, to use print and online reference resources. I feel like ” seven stages of concern” is suitable in my situation because “First, they point out the importance of attending to where people are and addressing the questions they are asking when they are asking them”(Loucks-Horsley, 1996, p.1). Both of the teachers, in conversations with me, have expressed that they would like to work with me but I have pre-assessed them at two different levels in “the stages of concern”. 

Teacher #1 has been teaching for about 2 years and has been teaching at the school for the entire time with just minimal TOC time before that. She is co-teaching a class of 30 grade 5 students, only working two days a week. She has expressed to me that she would like to try an inquiry unit but from ideas that I have explained to her, she cannot picture how it will work without being chaotic and without it going on for weeks as she is just working 0.5 FTE. As well, I have told her about the online resources that the library supplies and she told me she had no idea these existed and therefore does not know how to use them. I would apply the “Concerns-Based Adoption Model” to this teacher because “The model (and other developmental models of its type) holds that people considering and experiencing change evolve in the kinds of questions they ask and in their use of whatever the change is” (Loucks-Horsley, 1996, p.1). Last year, we began to discuss ideas and logistics for an inquiry unit but she didn’t seem quite ready for a full-on inquiry because she was obviously in the “Informational” to “Personal” stages of concern. I know this because she was asking questions much like the examples given in the article when it states, “In general, early questions are more self-oriented: What is it? and How will it affect me?” (Loucks-Horsley, 1996, p.1). To start the process, all we accomplished was a series of note-taking and citation lessons. This year we have continued the discussion and currently I believe she is in the “Management” stage because she has moved on from the simple questions and now,“… questions emerge that are more task-oriented: How do I do it? How can I use these materials efficiently? How can I organize myself? and Why is it taking so much time?” (Loucks-Horsley, 1996, p.1). So, we still have the challenge of time constraints where she does not want a project that goes on for weeks but she is interested and more willing to try a project together this year and she is keen to collaborate and co-teach. The other challenge is her inexperience with inquiry and her unfamiliarity with the resources the library supplies. During informal conversations I have asked her what area of focus she would like the inquiry to be and I took note of units she taught last year. While selecting books and new print reference materials, I look for suitable materials that would connect to units that she has taught or is wanting to teach. If and when these materials are obtained, I take the new resource(s) to the teacher and show her and ask if she would like to set up a time to look at them together or book her class in one day to explore the resource(s). In addition, this teacher is unfamiliar with the library’s online reference resources so I would ask her if she would like to book her class for a lesson to explore those resources. In exploring both the print and digital reference resources, I would first have a question or questions that I want the students to find answers to and then have them come up with their own “inquiry-style” questions to try and find support for in a specific subject area. In doing these lessons, the teacher and students will get more exposure to the print and electronic reference resources as well as practicing the inquiry skills of questioning, researching, and coming to personal conclusions. This will meet the needs of the teacher in that it will not go on for too long, she will learn inquiry-style teaching techniques and become familiar with the reference resources available. An added bonus is that the students are still learning new information linked to a unit of study. I feel like next year, she will be ready for more in-depth and more independent inquiry projects and I will continue to look for reference resources that would suit her needs in units she is teaching. To evaluate our progress, I will use the “Levels of Use” diagnostic tool from the “Concerns-based Adoption Model”. I will determine which level she is in by interviewing her. Last year, I would put her in the ‘nonuse’ level and then hopefully this year she would be in the ‘orientation/preparation’ level (http://www.sedl.org/cbam/levels_of_use.html, par. 3). 

Teacher #2 has been teaching for 15 years and it is her second year at the school. She has exposure and training in inquiry-based teaching and learning and has tried out some simple inquiry units. Recently, she expressed that she would like to collaborate and try some more specific inquiry units but finds students are lacking the background skills to work independently on inquiry such as formulating questions and research skills. This teacher is in the ‘Consequence/Collaboration’ level in the ‘stages of concern’ asking questions like the examples given: “How is my use affecting learners? How can I refine it to have more impact?” and “How can I relate what I am doing to what others are doing?” (Loucks-Horsley, 1996, p.2).  I believe this teacher is getting close to the ‘collaboration level’ in that “Once employees attain the collaboration level and work at that level for two years or more, they know its value and, given the opportunities and time to maintain and live out that disposition, will continue to seek and give collaborative support among their colleagues”(Loucks-Horsley, 1996, p.9) but needs a bit more support to reach it fully. I feel this way because she has experience with inquiry and collaboration but has not had the opportunity to apply these skills and would like more. This teacher is already very familiar with the print and online reference resources available in the library but commented that students are not familiar with them so don’t use them. In addition, she expressed the need for more current print reference resources because she knows they were all out-of-date and above the reading level for most students at the school. I will make a point to find this teacher and have informal conversations about what kinds of units she would like to focus on. Also, I will talk to administration about release time for collaboration with this teacher. I will purposefully seek out print reference materials that fit with the units of study in her class. During library times, I will teach a series of mini-lessons working on inquiry skills to assess the needs in the class. The lessons will focus on how to formulate suitable inquiry questions, explore online reference resources, how to use a print reference resource and find answers to some simple questions using reference resources available in the library. These mini-lessons will take about six weeks to complete if we were only working during the weekly library times. Hopefully, we will get time to formally collaborate and plan an inquiry unit where the class will be able to apply the inquiry skills using reference resources to come to conclusions. If there is no release time for collaboration this year, I will push for it next year. As soon as new print reference resources arrive, I will find the teacher and show her to see if it is a resource she is interested in and let her know that if she needs any help, I am available for booking. To evaluate our progress, I will be looking for students independently seeking out and using the print and electronic reference resources. As well, I will also apply the “Levels of Use” diagnostic tool from the “Concerns-based Adoption Model” and determine which level she is in by interviewing her. From our current conversations, I would say she is at the ‘Mechanical Use” level and working towards ‘Routine Use’ (http://www.sedl.org/cbam/levels_of_use.html, par. 3). 

Since I will be working with these two keen teachers, it is my hope that other teachers who are less adventurous will see how easy and productive it is to collaborate with the Teacher Librarian and how beneficial it is to students when they learn how to use the reference resources available. I plan to continue to check in with these two teachers with a goal that in the next three years, they will feel comfortable collaborating and using the print and digital reference resources easily and maybe even helping others because “Change is a process, not an event. …. Subsequent research on school change has confirmed that changes in classroom practice can take anywhere from three to five years to be fully implemented”(Loucks-Horsley, 1996, p.4). In addition, “Change is a highly personal experience, involving developmental growth in feelings (the Stages of Concern) and skills (the Levels of Use). More to the point, people need sustained help along the way if they’re going to fully implement a new idea, and they’ll require different kinds of help as their needs change”(Loucks-Horsley, 1996, p.4). I anticipate that these two teachers will continue to pursue inquiry-based teaching and learning with the use of reference resources and they will be good allies to have when other teachers enter the lower ‘Levels of Use’ and ‘Stages of Concern’. 

Works cited: 

Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM). (2020). Retrieved 8 March 2020, from http://www.sedl.org/cbam/ 

Levels of Use, a Dimension of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM). (2020). Retrieved 8 March 2020, from http://www.sedl.org/cbam/levels_of_use.html 

Loucks-Horsley, S. (1996). The Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM): A Model for Change in Individuals.  

What is better in a Library Learning Commons, print or online reference resources? Theme 2 reflection.

Hundreds Of Cute Free Png Printables And Clip Art Of All Kinds A year before taking this course, I decided to de-select pretty much my entire print reference resources. I had been in the library for a year and hadn’t seen anyone, student or teachers, even pick them up except for one time when I decided to show a couple of students the encyclopedias to look for one topic related to their project. The librarian I took over from had been working between two schools and I don’t know if the reference resources had been looked at in her time. They were stored on a very high shelf that I could not reach without a step ladder and they were out-of-date by at least 10 years. As a beginning Teacher Librarian from what I had learned about the de-selection criteria, cost of books, observations of patron use and with my knowledge of the online reference resource subscriptions my library has access to, I was confident in my decision to remove all of the print reference resources in favour of online and never look back….until now. 

 In the past, when helping students with research projects, inquiry or answering wonders, I would refer them to non-fiction books and Worldbook online but the print reference resources were never my first choice. In addition, up until recently, I would have defined non-fiction books as a reference resource. However, in reading the information about “Managing and Evaluating Reference Services” I started to question my own beliefs about print reference resources. I am now considering investing in more print reference resources after reading that  “Students who use a wide range of resources in various mediums for learning have the opportunity to approach a theme, issue or topic of study in ways, which allow for a range of learning styles and access to the theme or topic via cognitive or affective appeals” (UBC, lesson 7). As well, in reading that “School librarians have a multitude of tasks; one critical task is the selection and evaluation of reference materials—print and electronic. Without the proper tools, expertise, or good judgment to accomplish this task, students’ informational needs may remain unanswered”(Riedling, p.18) I feel like I have been failing my students in some way although I thought I was making an informed decision.  

So, to help me decide about adding more print reference resources to my collection, I did some further research to see what some other experts believe when considering print vs. online reference resources. From the Library Journal online, in the article
Digital vs. Print : Taking a position as an Academic Librarian by Steven Bell
 it argues points such as cost, ease of access and takes on the debate saying, ” For academic librarians, adding ebook content to the discovery engine vastly increases the value of book chapters as a searchable database. There are tradeoffs, such as coping with clunky display and print features, or eyestrain, but why would higher education make a case for supporting print over digital—especially when it comes to expensive textbooks?”(Bell, 2020, par.2). One point in favour of print reference resources that Bell makes that I know but have always thought of as applying to other print materials such as fiction and non-fiction books is that “New research suggests educators can add another, even more ominous, reason to the list. Students fail to comprehend complex or lengthy material in digital format as well as they do in print”(Bell, 2020, par.3). However, Bell points out that “…preference for online materials is driven by their affordability and accessibility—and the lightened load in [student] backpack[s]”(Bell, 2020, par.3). Bell concludes that “Our destiny [as Teacher Librarians] is to have one foot firmly planted in the history and tradition of print as stewards of long held collections while the other foot steps forward into the digital future. I believe we are up to the task of finding balance between the two”(Bell, 2020, par. 6). So, from this article, I realize my “balance” is off and I need to supply more print reference resources especially if I want more student comprehension of information because that’s kind of the point, isn’t it?

Being a good Teacher Librarian and wanting to make sure that I didn’t just find a resource whose opinion I was biased towards, I found from the UBC library in the journal, “The Reference Collection:From the Shelf to the Web”, the article “Getting It Right-The Evolution of Reference Collections” by Margaret Landesman. Landesman seems to be even more pro online in saying, “Many printed reference titles were important to us as a way to keep track of what’s in other books or in journals. The ability to search full text, though, turns every collection of online texts into a reference collection and provides an automatic concordance for every title. Titles can no longer be tidily separated into ‘reference works’ and ‘general collection.'”(Landesman, 2005 p.19). I guess part of the fear for librarians is that if there is too much of a shift towards digital, where will that leave the library and us? I like Landesman’s explanation: “It seems evident that there will continue to be reference librarians, though perhaps they will use some other title. Reference collections, though, might be a less certain bet. Why will we move away from ‘reference collections’? Partly because, given the convergence among formats, we can’t recognize a reference book when we see one. Nor can its electrons be pinned down to a ‘reference collection.’ Why will we still need ‘reference librarians’? Because users frequently need more, rather than less, assistance to find needed sources and information. The needle in the haystack was hard enough to find when there was only one haystack. Now the number of haystacks is multiplying”(Landesman, 2005, p.19). This makes me feel better in that I now have a more solid argument when people tell me that if I promote digital too much then I’ll be out of a job. In addition, I now feel like I need to do more lessons on how to access and use the online reference collections that the district supplies. 

In conclusion,  I do not think that I will be buying an entire collection of Encyclopedias any time soon but I will be looking into some age-appropriate print reference resources in singles and choosing a more accessible shelf or area for students to browse. The two articles support the idea of having both print and digital reference resources regardless of cost even if most patrons seem to prefer online reference resources. Although I believe that my job as a Teacher Librarian, regardless of time or budget, is to “promot[e] reading and language development and literature appreciation” (UBC , lesson 6) I now have realized that I need to supply reference resources in various formats even if I have a multitude of other print resources that could also be used for research and inquiry.  

Works cited:

Bell, S. (n.d.). Digital vs Print: Taking a Position as an Academic Librarian: From the Bell Tower. Retrieved from https://www.libraryjournal.com/?detailStory=digital-vs-print-taking-position-academic-librarian-bell-tower

Clipart Library. (2020). Book Clip Art #2949685 [Image]. Retrieved from http://clipart-library.com/clipart/book-clip-art-37.htm

Landesman, M. (2005). Getting It Right-The Evolution of Reference Collections. The Reference Librarian44(91-92), 5–22. 

Pin Clipart. (2020). Problem Clipart Animated – Reasoning Question With Answer [Image]. Retrieved from https://www.pinclipart.com/pindetail/oTooh_problem-clipart-animated-reasoning-question-with-answer-png/

Riedling, A. (2013). Reference skills for the school library media specialist: Tools and tips, (Third Ed.). Santa Barbara, CA.: Linworth, an Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC.

UBC. (Winter 2020).Lesson 6: Managing the Reference Collection“. Theme 2:  Managing and evaluating reference services  in LIBE 467. Canvas Online Classroom.

UBC. (Winter 2020).Lesson 7: Evaluating Reference Services“. Theme 2:  Managing and evaluating reference services  in LIBE 467. Canvas Online Classroom. 

Assignment 1: Evaluation of a Reference Work

LIBE 467 63C 

Assignment 1: Evaluation of a Reference Work 

Catherine Sharpe 

Rubric for assessing a Reference Resource: 

Reference Work  Not Meeting  Meeting  Exceeding 
Relevancy  Not many visuals or visuals are unappealing for audience. 

Authors and publishers with little or no authority/no author found. 

Visuals further content understanding and engage reader. 

Authors and publishers with good authority. 


Visuals are highly engaging and age appropriate and strongly connect to content. 

Authors and publishers with excellent authority. 

Purpose  Expensive and may need to be replaced frequently. 

Difficult to navigate – organization is illogical. 

Information is presented with bias or connected to commercial agencies. 

Resource is created to sell or sway reader’s opinion. 

Cost effective. 

Easily navigated-table of contents/index/ 

glossary are available. 

Minimal level of bias. 

Information of presented with no intention to sell or sway reader’s opinion. 

Resource is created for educational purposes with possible connection to commercial agency. 

Little or no cost to the library. 

Logical sequence 

Obvious and logical navigation available – table of contents/index/glossary simple to follow. 

No level of bias. 

Information is presented in a neutral way. 

Resource is created for educational purposes only. 

Currency  10 years +. 

Little of no updates available. 

Little or no search features. 

Information is out-of-date. 

5-10 years old. 

Updated yearly. 

Basic search features. 

Less than 5 years old or is continuously updated. 

Link maintenance 

Basic and advanced search features. 

Curricular Connection  Materials meet some of the curriculum.  

Content is presented in singular format, reading level and student needs. 

Does not reflect student interests and cultural background of student population 

Materials meet most of the curricular needs. 

Content is presented in a few formats, languages and reading levels. 

Meets from variance of student needs. 

Somewhat reflects student interests and cultural background of student population 

Materials meet all of the curricular needs.  

Content presented in different formats, languages and reading levels. 

Meets diverse student needs. 

Strongly reflects student interests and cultural background of student population. 

Use of Lib. Space  Stored on high shelf out of reach for most patrons.  

Occupies an entire shelf or is difficult to fit on shelf.  

Meets the needs of a few learners. 

Complex organization that is difficult to follow. 

Accessible for all patrons most of the time. 

Fits easily on one shelf or does not take up any shelf space (digital). 

Meets the needs of most learners. 

Organization can be followed with some direction. 

Easily accessible for all patron use. 

Takes up little or no space in the library. 

Meet the needs of diverse learners. 

Organization is user-friendly. 

How to use the materials is explained clearly.  


Reference Resource to be replaced: 

Fick, S. (2004). The Canadian atlas. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre. 

Reference Work  Not Meeting  Meeting  Exceeding 
Relevancy  Not many visuals or visuals are unappealing for audience. 

Authors and publishers with little or no authority/no author found. 

Visuals further content understanding and engage reader. 

Authors and publishers with good authority. 


Visuals are highly engaging and age appropriate and strongly connect to content. 

Authors and publishers with excellent authority. 

Purpose  Expensive and may need to be replaced frequently. 

Difficult to navigate – organization is illogical. 

Information is presented with bias or connected to commercial agencies. 

Resource is created to sell or sway reader’s opinion. 

Cost effective. 

Easily navigated-table of contents/index/ glossary available. 

Minimal level of bias. 

Information of presented with no intention to sell or sway reader’s opinion. 

Resource is created for educational purposes with possible connection to commercial agency. 

Little or no cost to the library. 

Logical sequence 

Obvious and logical navigation available – table of contents/index/glossary simple to follow. 

No level of bias. 

Information is presented in a neutral way. 

Resource is created for educational purposes only. 

Currency  10 years +. 

Little of no updates available. 

Little or no search features. 

Information is out-of-date. 

5-10 years old. 

Updated yearly. 

Basic search features. 

Less than 5 years old or is continuously updated. 

Link maintenance 

Basic and advanced search features. 

Curricular Connection  Materials meet some of the curriculum.  

Content is presented in singular format, reading level and student needs. 

Does not reflect student interests and cultural background of student population. 

Materials meet most of the curricular needs. 

Content is presented in a few formats, languages and reading levels. 

Meets some variance of student needs. 

Somewhat reflects student interests and cultural background of student population. 

Materials meet all of the curricular needs.  

Content presented in different formats, languages and reading levels. 

Meets diverse student needs. 

Strongly reflects student interests and cultural background of student population. 

Use of Lib. Space  Stored on high shelf out of reach for most patrons.  

Occupies an entire shelf or is difficult to fit on shelf.  

Meets the needs of a few learners. 

Complex organization that is difficult to follow. 

Accessible for all patrons most of the time. 

Fits easily on one shelf or does not take up any shelf space (digital). 

Meets the needs of most learners. 

Organization can be followed with some direction. 

Easily accessible for all patron use. 

Takes up little or no space in the library. 

Meet the needs of diverse learners. 

Organization is user-friendly. 

How to use the materials is explained clearly.  


Relevancy: Although this resource has very well-known affiliation of “Reader’s Digest” and “Canadian Geographic”, the publisher and author are lesser known. As well, there are many colour visuals that strongly connect to the content; however, since the date of publication is 2004, it is now 16 years old and the visuals are dated and therefore unappealing to current students.
Purpose: In 2004, this resource cost $69.95, which, on a library budget is quite expensive and since this is a print resource about Canada, the content changes rapidly so if the library wants to supply reference resources with current content, the resource would need to be replaced at least every 5 years. There is a table of contents, a map index, and a thematic subject index that make it easy to navigate the contents but a bit complex for younger users. There is no glossary present so it would indicate that the resource is intended for users who already understand the vocabulary in the resource. The resource is affiliated with a commercial agency, “Reader’s Digest”, but the information is presented for educational purposes without bias and without any intention to sell or sway the reader. This resource is a Canadian atlas, so the purpose is singular.
Currency: This resource was published in 2004, making it 16 years old. It is a print resource; therefore, the search features are finite, and it cannot be updated automatically so much of the content is out-of-date. 
Curricular connection: The contents of this resource focus on Canadian maps and facts about Canadian geography, environment and peoples. The contents may still meet some of the curricular needs, but it is difficult for students to know what information is still accurate, so it makes the resource unusable. As well, the information is presented with the intention for higher level readers only, with a lot of words in a small font. The contents are Canadian so it is well-suited to meet the interests and cultural background of most students in a Canadian Elementary school.
Use of library space: This is a very large, heavy book with the spine measuring 37 cm tall, the covers measuring 45 cm diagonally, and weighing 4 lbs. Therefore, it is difficult to fit on a regular shelf, so it was stored on a high shelf out of reach for most patrons. The size and storage for this resource makes it challenging for most patrons to use. 
In conclusion, this resource will be deselected  from the Library Learning Commons because it is NOT MEETING the criteria for a Reference Resource.

New Reference Resource: 

Home Smithsonian Institute. (2020). Retrieved 6 February 2020, from https://www.si.edu/ 

Search | Everything | Smithsonian Learning Lab. (2020). Retrieved 6 February 2020, from https://learninglab.si.edu/ 

Reference Work  Not Meeting  Meeting  Exceeding 
Relevancy  Not many visuals or visuals are unappealing for audience. 

Authors and publishers with little or no authority/no author found. 

Visuals further content understanding and engage reader. 

Authors and publishers with good authority. 


Visuals are highly engaging and age appropriate and strongly connect to content. 

Authors and publishers with excellent authority. 

Purpose  Expensive and may need to be replaced frequently. 

Difficult to navigate – organization is illogical. 

Information is presented with bias or connected to commercial agencies. 

Resource is created to sell or sway reader’s opinion. 

Cost effective. 

Easily navigated-table of contents/index/ 

glossary are available. 

Minimal level of bias. 

Information of presented with no intention to sell or sway reader’s opinion. 

Resource is created for educational purposes with possible connection to commercial agency. 

Little or no cost to the library.  

Logical sequence 

Obvious and logical navigation available – table of contents/index/glossary simple to follow. 

No level of bias. 

Information is presented in a neutral way. 

Resource is created for educational purposes only. 

Currency  10 years +. 

Little of no updates available. 

Little or no search features. 

Information is out-of-date. 

5-10 years old. 

Updated yearly. 

Basic search features. 

Less than 5 years old or is continuously updated. 

Link maintenance 

Basic and advanced search features. 

Curricular Connection  Materials meet some of the curriculum.  

Content is presented in singular format, reading level and student needs. 

Does not reflect student interests and cultural background of student population 

Materials meet most of the curricular needs. 

Content is presented in a few formats, languages and reading levels. 

Meets from variance of student needs. 

Somewhat reflects student interests and cultural background of student population 

Materials meet all of the curricular needs.  

Content presented in different formats, languages and reading levels. 

Meets diverse student needs. 

Strongly reflects student interests and cultural background of student population. 

Use of Lib. Space  Stored on high shelf out of reach for most patrons.  

Occupies an entire shelf or is difficult to fit on shelf.  

Meets the needs of a few learners. 

Complex organization that is difficult to follow. 

Accessible for all patrons most of the time. 

Fits easily on one shelf or does not take up any shelf space (digital). 

Meets the needs of most learners. 

Organization can be followed with some direction. 

Easily accessible for all patron use. 

Takes up little or no space in the library. 

Meet the needs of diverse learners. 

Organization is user-friendly. 

How to use the materials is explained clearly.  


Relevancy: This resource has a very well-known Smithsonian affiliation and therefore has good authority so all patrons can trust the content provided through any links on the website. On every page of the website, there are visuals that appeal to patrons of varying interests.
Purpose: Si.edu is a free resource with no advertising popups. The information is presented without bias and is for educational purposes only. From the homepage, there is an easy to use navigation bar with many links to suit the needs of a wide variety of patrons. For example, on the homepage, one link on the navigation bar is “Learn and Explore” which has resources “For Educators”, “For Kids”, “For Researchers” and “Collections”.  In addition to offering information about various world locations, their environments and peoples, this site supplies information on almost every topic one can think of. So, this site can be used for multiple purposes which makes it extremely cost effective.
Currency: As a web resource, it is continuously updated and therefore the content is always current. Every link works, contains current content and each connects to educational contents always within the Smithsonian Institute website. 
Curricular connection: This site meets all of the curricular content and more. It meets a variety of diverse patron needs by offering many different links through the homepage. If a student patron clicks on the “For Kids” link, it offers a selection of resources like games that reinforce a variety of content reflecting curriculum. Links can be found for all ability levels, interests and cultural connections. Under the “For Educators” link there is another link to “Learning Labs” where patrons can search almost any curricular topic, create a log-in and save links to favorite resources within the Learning Labs.
Use of library space: As a website, it takes up no extra space in the library and is easily accessible for all patron use. The website is well-organized and clearly explains how to use the various resources. The website offers content in different views that patrons can choose to meet their learning needs.
In conclusion, Si.edu, Smithsonian Institute website, will be selected as a new resource for the Library Learning Commons because it is EXCEEDING the criteria for a Reference Resource. 



Asselin, M., Branch, J., & Oberg, D., (Eds). (2003). Achieving information literacy: Standards for school library programs in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Canadian School Library Association & The Association for Teacher-Librarianship in Canada (pp. 32-33). 

Fick, S. (2004). The Canadian atlas. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre.  

Home Smithsonian Institute. (2020). Retrieved 6 February 2020, from https://www.si.edu/ 

Riedling, A. (2013). Reference skills for the school library media specialist: Tools and tips, (Third Ed.). Santa Barbara, CA.: Linworth, an Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC (pp.22-23). 

Search | Everything | Smithsonian Learning Lab. (2020). Retrieved 6 February 2020, from https://learninglab.si.edu/search?st=energy&st_op=and&item_type=collections  

The Sage Colleges. (2020). Evaluating Sources: TRAP. Retrieved 6 February 2020, from Libraries.sage.edu.  


Creating information literacy: integrating traditional literacy skills to foster digital literacy

I heard it again just the other day, a teacher expressing “I don’t give my students screen time at school because I feel like they get enough screen time at home”. If this argument was applied to reading and writing, what would we be doing at school? As the internet and digital resources become more accessible and prevalent in the world outside of schools, we are doing our students an injustice by ignoring their existence as a teaching tool and an important part of information literacy. We also know that if students are left to make their own choices about what to learn with no direction, they don’t always make the best choices. So, if we know students are using internet resources but not giving them any direction, advice or suggesting new tools to use, they are simply going to use the same ones continuously. Students need exposure and instruction using both print and electronic resources to learn how to use similar skills across genres, sources, and formats  in order to be successful life-long learners. Computer geek

Reading, writing and composition are the forms of communication that students are taught first and now teachers need to acknowledge that the internet and digital resources are going to be more and more important in the years to come. I like how Riedling states, The Internet is not really a source of information, but rather a means of communication—the ‘ultimate’ communication Network”(2013, p.116) and if teachers think of it as another form of communication that students need to learn, maybe teaching digital literacy will gain more attention. Students need the basic information literacy skills to start but then need to be taught how to apply those skills to digital resources. In addition, I agree that Much of the information accessed digitally is of variable quality and many students lack skills that are necessary for them to evaluate the information”(UBC, LIBE 467, Lesson 1, 2020). Yes, it is true that most children by the time they are intermediate students will have exposure to technology and may be more proficient that many adults (hence the digital divide) (Riedling, p. 138); however, many, if not all, of these students know only a limited scope of what to do with the device(s). For example, most students know how to use a search engine and I would argue that the majority think that Google is the only one. In addition, when using a search engine, most students simply choose the first few results, not really analyzing the source of the information. Students need to be taught digital and media literacy to critically analyze the search results in order to access appropriate resources for their task. 

It is apparent that “An information literate citizen analyzes information critically in all its formats and in all media contexts”(UBC, LIBE 467, Lesson 2, 2020) and I assert that visual literacy is an often-ignored but very essential part of information literacy. In another library course, I researched visual literacy and how it influences digital and media literacy. There was one article I found with a strategy that I would like to try which is the DIG (Digital Image Guide) method. 

Found from the UBC library here:


This method was formulated to use at the University level but I think it would be beneficial to teach in Elementary now because students are becoming avid technology and internet users at younger ages than before. The DIG method is a series of questions, similar to the CRAAP test for literature, that students use to evaluate digital images. The author compares the digital-visual examination to how students are taught to read literature in that “The questions…created from this assimilation were then organized according to the steps of critical reading: analyzing, interpreting, evaluating and comprehending” (Thompson, 2019). The main focus of these lessons is for students to be able to determine the difference between what the article defines as “shallow and deep images”: “shallow images, are what we might think of as ‘typical’ internet images:… Shallow images are mostly innocuous because they do not purport to do more than entertain” (Thompson, 2019) whereas “Deep images require more interrogation because they are created and posted online to perform different roles and fulfil different intentions: to inform, to mislead, to persuade and/or to sell” (Thompson, 2019). Therefore, students first determine if images are shallow or deep and then if the images are deep, the students decide the intention of the images. Overall, the article argues that “Grounding a lesson or module with visuals reinforces the idea that since communication is now more visually-oriented, especially within the context of new digital technologies and social media platforms, the same critical sensibility that we routinely apply to text-based communications can, and should be, applied to visual mediums” (Thompson, 2019). 

In addition to the Thompson article, the video “The power to tell the difference: visual literacy in a visual age” by Don Levy discusses how teaching visual literacy aids in media literacy by creating critical thinking skills. Levy concludes that “In a world surrounded by images, visual literacy requires critical thinking and awareness” (Levy. 2015) because if visuals are guiding our perceptions, then we need to be aware and have “the power to tell the difference” between fact and fiction in media. Levy states, “The dark side of our new reality is the more convincing the imagery the gap between fact and fiction blurs” (Levy, 2015) because “…we know that not every use of visuals is a force for good. The dark side can be blinding. There is a difference between escapist entertainment and losing our connection to the world” (Levy, 2015). 

It is a difficult job for the Teacher Librarian to convince classroom teachers that “screen time” is not always negative. Students need to be taught how to use digital resources productively; they are not going to learn it without direct instruction. As “Achieving Information Literacy” states, The major learning outcome for the school library program is to develop students who are information literate”(Asselin et. Al., 2003, p.4). Students should be able to apply the same techniques learned for reading and writing to become digitally literate. In my experience, the classroom teacher may be on the lower side of the digital divide (pre-1977) and/or uncomfortable using technology so it is good that Research clearly indicates that the development of student competence in information literacy skills is most effective when integrated with classroom instruction through collaborative program planning and teaching by the teacher-librarian and the classroom teacher”(Asselin et. Al., 2003,p.7). I am going to use this information the next time I try to convince a classroom teacher to do a project integrating technology. Also, I like the list of outcomes in “Achieving Information literacy” especially Outcome 4: “Students will use information critically to evaluate the relevance, authenticity, and validity of information and its source”(Asselin et. Al., p.13) because students should be able to evaluate a resource in any format. Students need to be taught the proper purpose for all types of resources because It is vital to know when to turn to print resources, when to use the Web, and when to avoid them all in favor of consulting an expert in the field”(Riedling, 2013, p.113). Students need to be given proper instruction for how to productively use digital resources at school in order to know the full potential of the resource, how to apply the resource and become fully information literate citizens.


Works Cited:

Asselin, M., Branch, J., & Oberg, D., (Eds). (2003). Achieving information literacy: Standards for school library programs in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Canadian School Library Association & The Association for Teacher-Librarianship in Canada.

Free SVG. (2020). Computer Geek [Image]. Retrieved from https://freesvg.org/computer-geek

Levy, D.  [TEDxABQSalon]. (2015, April 16). The Power to Tell the Difference: Visual Literacy in a Visual Age.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f09ybYDJoSE

Riedling, A. (2013). Reference skills for the school library media specialist: Tools and tips, (Third Ed.). Santa Barbara, CA.: Linworth, an Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC.

Thompson, D.S. (2019). Teaching Students to Critically Read Digital Images: a Visual Literacy Approach Using the DIG Method. Journal of Visual Literacy, 38(1-2), 110-119. https://www-tandfonline.com.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/doi/full/10.1080/1051144X.2018.1564604#.XPXxeFQ1Us4.gmail

UBC. (Winter 2020). “Lesson 1: Information Literacy and Reference Services in Schools“. Theme 1: The foundation of reference services  in LIBE 467. Canvas Online Classroom.  

UBC. (Winter 2020).Lesson 2: The Reference Process and Information Skills“. Theme 1: The foundation of reference services  in LIBE 467. Canvas Online Classroom.