Eileen Madson Primary School

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Week 1: June 12, 2014

Today we visited the primary school (pre-K to 3) up the street called Eileen Madson Primary School (EMP). This was a wonderful experience and I am so glad we did this. Today I felt very useful and seized the opportunity to help out as much as I could. I offered my assistance in three kindergarten classes and was left to supervise the classrooms while each teacher worked to complete their year end math and reading assessments. Due to the strike teachers needed this additional support in order to make sure each student was able to be assessed before years end. While I supervised I was able to lead the classroom calendar, with the help of the classroom helper. I also assisted in helping students finish up math work and art projects and facilitated centres activities at the end of the day. Compared to the busy weeks we all had at the end of our practicums, this week has been pretty slow in comparison. It has been a really odd feeling, so today was a welcome challenge. It felt really good to be needed, especially since I got to step into the roll of a teacher again. I noticed a huge difference in the growth that I have made since first beginning to teach. I felt more confident and was more easily able to connect with students and they bonded with me much sooner than they have in the past. I had many students asking me if I was coming back tomorrow and if I would be working at the school next year. They gave me hugs, and there were many who really took a genuine interest in me. Moments like this are something that I can be really proud of and make me LOVE being an educator! If I can make a positive impression on students in one day, and I am excited to discover the many ways that I can build on this type of connection with students.

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J.A. Laird Elementary

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Week 1: June 9, 2014

Today we arrived for our first day at J.A. Laird Elementary School in Invermere, BC. The principal Jill Jensen greeted us and enthusiastically gave us a tour of the school. My first impression of the classrooms was that they were all quite clean, airy, bright, uncluttered, yet a little sparse. This was fairly different from my experience in Vancouver. Upon deeper reflection I have realized that I actually appreciate this simplified environment. Everything has a purpose, and therefore there are less distractions for students and teachers alike. The focus is on the students, their learning, and it is evident that “stuff” does not make the classroom, the students do.

My impression of rural schools has very much so changed over the course of this week. I heard that these schools are very underfunded, but was surprised to find all classrooms set up with digital document cameras and projectors. This was particularily not the case in my practicum school located in the Vancouver School Board.

Contrary to the differences there were also many similarities found in my practicum and rural placement.  J.A. Laird is is an “Arts Infused” school that works with local artists, in a similar way to Nootka Elementary’s fine arts streamed students in Vancouver. At J.A. Laird there was a presentation created for the students by many local artists: glass blowers, a clay artisan, a metal artisan, a painter, and a recycled materials birdhouse maker. These presentations were interactive and very empowering for the students. You could really see that students were being encouraged to be creative and to not be afraid to do things “wrong”. I wish that something had been organized like this for my students in Vancouver because it brought a real life connection to the arts and offered students inspiration towards possible future careers. This was something really lacking at Nootka, and I believe that by having the art community more involved, the entire arts education program would have been able to come full circle for many of the students.

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Another surprise at J.A. Laird was the school and districts commitment to sustainable and green practices within their community. This was much more imminent here than at my Vancouver practicum placement. J.A. Laird has a compost for their school garden, solar energy is used for their water heater and air system, and schools are idle free zones. This community has a very strong connection to its natural environment and promotes sustainability.

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Solar Energy Plan – J.A. Laird has solar panels

Glass Water Bottle

Glass Water Bottle – I have never seen this before.

The staff and students in the Rocky Mountain School District have been very welcoming. The people here are very friendly and genuine, and this is a positive attribute that students have here as well. This week we assisted a grade 6 class on a field trip to a wave pool located in Cranbrook.

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The Students were having a blast on outdoor fitness machines – Who knew these even existed? I was surprised that they were enjoying themselves and being so active, especially after we had just finished swimming. I wonder if this is something more  akin to students from a  rural setting?

The students were very well behaved and truly grateful for the opportunity to go on this trip. Students said “This is the best field trip we have taken this year!” and students were very candid about how much they had appreciated when Jessie and I had played volleyball with them in the pool. You could really tell that it had made their day! Their happiness was contagious. This is particularily noticeable to me because I have often taken large groups of kids of the same age on excursions  with the Girl Guides Canada and also on a few field trips with my practicum class in Vancouver. I wonder if being in a city and having access to many amenities affects students in a way where they forget to appreciate the small things? This is something that I have often pondered when considering the difference between living in rural vs. metro areas. After  these types of outings in Vancouver I often felt drained and tired, and I am now left wondering whether the attitudes of the students/children make a difference in how I ultimately feel at the end of the day? I have now become very curious and wonder if experiences like this will ultimately guide me to become an educator in a more rural community.

A New Adventure

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Travel Day – June 8, 2014

This week I am looking forward to embarking on a trip to Invermere, B.C. with my new UBC teacher candidate friends. I must say that although the drive was incredibly beautiful, it does make for a very long day! Nevertheless, we passed the time with stories and reflections from our practicums. Since we had only barely knew each other, only meeting in person a few quick times before our 10 week practicums began, we definitely had many experiences to share with each other. The long trip gave us the opportunity to bond over these shared and very similar experiences on our journey in become elementary school teachers. Our trip is off to a great start!