Shopaholic, YES They Are.

“All girls love shopping and gossiping”, it’s definitely true that girls love gossiping, especially telling in gossip about handsome and ideal boys. How about shopping? Is the stereotype telling the truth? Well, we couldn’t lie to ourselves in front the reality; women account for 85% of all consumer purchase including everything from furniture to autos. The research also indicates women are passionate about shopping once every 5 seconds, their obsession with shopping are even deeper than passion in their husbands.

Why do women enjoy shopping so much? What comes first is their roles. Women buy not only for themselves but also for their families and business. It says that “A joint decision is impacted four times more by a women than by the man because she leads four of the five stages of the decision making process, with the fifth, actually making the purchase, being made jointly.” Women have responsibilities and control on stages of purchasing. Also, Men are usually more calm and dispassionate while they go shopping. They wouldn’t take action until find the best choices.

Marketers start to pay more attention to women since women and men swap roles on consumption. The way they attract more female consumers, in my mind, firstly ought to demonstrate attention to visual design. Barletta, a widely recognized women study expert, says that women have an even greater sensitivity to design nuances than men. Better nuances will be able to catch women’s eyes easier. In brief, Women consumption is still a highly demanded, high prospect and immature markets. How successfully marketers can attract women’s eyes becomes the key factor to seize this typical opportunity.



    Interesting Video ( Crazy women shopping)


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