Posted by: | 23rd Sep, 2010

IPod and Its Advertisement Strategy

      My name is Cara, this is my first blog posted for comm296, and it is quite interesting that this blog is the first blog I have ever posted in my life. I have thought about opening a blog several times before  but I always thought it’s not the right time, maybe because I am too lazy or I do not the courage to share my thoughts with some strange people from the Internet. But this course really gives me the great timing and courage that building a personal space. So far, I feel a little bit excited that I am writing a blog now and hope it is a good start.

     Today, when I was on my way to school on bus, I started a small research unconsciously. I found that almost 3/4 young people in the bus was listening to an iPod or iPod in their iPhone. It is very interesting that there are numerous MP3 producers in the market, why iPod takes such a large marketing components among young people? Therefore, I am going to talk about the branding strategies iPod used in its famous campaign, and how the advertisement promotes its product.

        There are various iPod ads in our daily life, but among all these ads, it is pretty obvious that they have some characters in common.  The iPod campaigns have already built its unique visual style, which are a silhouetted people with a white iPod and headphones. From my point of view, this unique visual style creates perfectly a connection between the iPod and the consumers. For instance, the silhouetted person is a key motif in the whole image. It gives the consumers an imagination that everyone can be the person in this ad if you have an iPod. The sighs like silhouette person become the identity of the iPod products. Doubtfulness, this brand image about iPod has succeeded gaining meanings for the brand and getting deep connections with the young consumers. They regard iPod as a symbol of fashion, which worth putting money on. In a word, the iPod campaigns do a great job to create its own visual style and fill the brand with specific identity to targeting the young people.

         To conclude, the iPod successfully gains its brand meanings through the products advertising campaigns. To build up recognizable brand logo and visual styles are very crucial and effective way of branding. Advertising allows consumers to have connections with the brand and emotional link to the brand identity.


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