The video above is the offical trailer of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and it was releasing on this Friday. On Saturday, I went to the theatre with friends, and I was really shocked by the long line outside. A lot of people in line even dressed in Gryffindor’s red and yellow gowns. All these stuff have been a common phenomenon every year when Harry Potter series is releasing. Harry potter has its worldwide fans from various ages, from little kids to middle aged working people. Harry Potter is no longer a simple fiction, it has became a culture, a legend.
I started reading Harry Potter books since I was 10, harry potter brought me to an imagine magic world. After that, expecting every now Harry Potter book or movie has been a habbit for me. I can still remember how exciting I was when I open the first page of Harry Potter, and that feeling is never gone along with I am growing up. I believe fans of Harry potter all have their own memories like me, using a marketing definishion, which makes us becoming the loyal consumers of Harry Potter products. Thus, Harry Potter provides a big market with a huge number of potential consumers. A lot of marketer realized this big chance and various kinds of related products were appeared.
Here is a picture of the Harry potter Theme Park in Hollywood. Harry Potter is boosting many kinds of industries from movie to tourism. A successful fiction series has created billions of treasures and increasing opportunities to the whole world now. As a marketing student, I think there are two key factors behind this legend. Undoubtful, J K Rowing made awsome books which bring great value to its readers. Besides that, all the related products like movies and clothing also created more value to Harry Potter and brought the value to more consumers.