Haunted housing

As I read the article Haunted housing.With the development of society and an increasing number of GDP,not only the government but also citizens needs to face a serious economic problem in China-property bubble. Article Haunted House mainly analyses the cause of the problem in CHina and gives some great examples. 

The first thorny problem is the increasing tendency of property prices in China. Not only houses’s prices, but everything in China including basic daily supplies seem more expensive than before.

Although people already realized some problems: price of houses are still going up in some cities like Shanghai and Beijing. On the other hand, regions like Dongbei don’t have a such a demand as big cities. The house market in these cities becomes structural oversupply which caused haunted house.

In my opinion, the government should set a policy as soon as possible to avoid a property bubble. However, because of traditional thoughts, Chinese won’t give up to buy a house if they could afford. The policy would be a double-edged sword yet it worth to try.




How does Oil Effect the Food Chain

Long time ago, flying was a dream , people even can not image how could they fly in the sky and go to a very far place by machines. High technology bring a lot of conveniences to human beings.People live in a require oil-based transportation world. However, it also bring some negative effects on human beings.

According to the article How Oil Spills Affect the Food Chain, there is one of the problem is changing the food chain. People usually extract oil from ocean; however, extracting oil from ocean without carefully operation is very harmful to marine lives. Meanwhile, oil spill could effect a deeply negative result on the food chain as well.

People have to use oil limit and we cannot rely on it in the future,we have to find another new energy of environmental protection. Otherwise, if oil will be depleted in next 500 years, people will have nothing to support their lives.





How to improve the belonging of my city

When I read the The Importance of Making Cities Places of Belonging, I thought maybe that’s why developed countries’s and developing countries’s citizens have different feeling of their city. I think belonging is when people feel that they are part of their area. They want to make the area better and better, so if there is someone that will break the rules of that area, people will get mad and try to fix it.


People believe that they have honor for their city. If I was rating my sense of belonging, I would give it a C. I give it a C because I don’t have much feeling for my city. I wish I can, but it’s really hard. However, I have another example about belonging. I feel a sense of belonging in my school. The reason I feel this way is because of the fact my city has 9 million people and they don’t have enough time to listen to me, but my high school only has 6 thousand people. In other words, it is easier to feel a sense of belonging with a smaller population. For example, I can submit my advice to the headteacher and school will listen to us.





UBC Varsity Value can do more!

It was a great honor for me when I finally became a member of the UBC Men’s Basketball team. However, when I went to the varsity player’s orientation, UBC informed us of policy that told us what was acceptable to post online and what was not. I believe UBC does it because it expects their official players be responsible of their behaviors. I think that when we wear our UBC jersey, not only do we show ourselves off, but we also represent UBC.

Additionally, I think UBC actually can earn their own value of their businss through different sports, such as sell player’s jersey, and let players interact with their fans or school’s fans, because if UBC does it , not only can they become more well-known throughout the world, but the players will feel more responsible with their each and every action.

Therefore, UBC doesn’t have to establish some policy for players because once players feel like they represent UBC, they won’t do something inappropriate and then post online.