White House open to consider short-term rise in U.S. debt limit

The White House signalled on Monday that it would be open to a short-term hike in the U.S. debt limit as the United States moved a step closer to its first-ever default while a separate impasse.

The shutdown, which centres on a fight over funding for President Barack Obama’s new health care law, has pushed hundreds of thousands of workers off the job, closed national parks and museums and stopped an array of government services.

A default could have far bigger consequences. Economists say it could trigger a financial crisis and recession that would echo 2008 — or worse. The 2008 financial crisis plunged the U.S. into the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Those who remain at home or are working without paycheques are a step closer to getting back pay once the partial government shutdown ends. The Senate could act this week on the measure that passed the House unanimously on Saturday.

The shutdown of U.S. government have caused lots of economical problems. It is totally inefficiency. unemployment is rising sharply. Few people working lead to a long line up for document may missed or delayed many economic opportunities. Fortunately, the government is going to reopen very soon, so worker will get go back to their work very soon

source: http://www.cbc.ca/news/white-house-open-to-consider-short-term-rise-in-u-s-debt-limit-1.1928976

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