Marketing Sports Cars to Women

Why is it that most sports car companies are overlooking or deliberately avoiding women as a potential customer?

While the exact statistics are unknown, approximately 90% of sports cars are purchased by men. This would seem to give sports car manufacturers a reasonable excuse for not marketing to women (“they’re not interested” or “they’re not our target market”), however I believe that that is simply coping out on their part, and sports car companies are missing an important market.

What these companies need to change is their approach. In my research, I found that 65% of new cars (generally) are bought by women, and even for traditionally masculine cars purchased by men, 20% cited a compromise with their wife or girlfriend as an influence.

Women tend to be more practical-minded, being more interested in a car that can be used daily, and they also tend to be more cautious drivers. Therefore sports car companies should promote features such as comfort in addition to the car’s 0-60 mph time. Mercedes noted that the majority of its SLK class (a convertible) customers were women, usually young professionals with purchasing power and no serious attachments. Sports car manufactures shouldn’t patronize women, but they should be aware that their concerns are different.