Flow Battery: a new breakthrough


Structure of a flow battery.
Source: http://www.tantaline.com/Flow-Batteries-568.aspx 

According to this recent article, flow batteries may be the “key to chancing the way electricity is stored in the grid”. Flow battery is a new technology which enables energy captured from solar and wind power to be stored, which in turn allows renewable energy to become more “reliable and cost effective,” thus can become more widely used.  This is potentially a significant breakthrough as the globe is trying to promote sustainable and clean sources of energy. If the renewable energies could be finally stored and used whenever the company/individuals need it,  then humankind would no longer need to rely on limited resources such as coal and oil.

The introduction of flow battery could make change production lines, as well as the structures of new technologies such as the familiar electronic cars. As large amount of energy may now be stored in liquid tanks a low cost, this would car companies such as Tesla to be able to build batteries that support fuel miles well beyond 380 miles. This would solve one of their major weaknesses and make the Tesla cars more attractive.  If the concept of flow batteries become increasingly globally recognized, this may change production lines, and improve operation efficiency in many companies. In addition,  emissions may be greatly reduced as energy production finally finds a reliable clean alternative.

Although this new technology may need a few more years to develop to ensure absolute safety and reliability, I think this is a significant step of humankind towards a more sustainable, greener future.


Article source: Canada, GE. “This Technology Could Be the Tipping Point for Wind and Solar Power.” GE Innovation. The Globe and Mail, 17 July 2014. Web. 29 Sept. 2014. <http://www.theglobeandmail.com/partners/ge-innovation/this-technology-could-be-the-tipping-point-for-wind-and-solar-power/article19657727/>.


The Blackberry Passport


ource: http://blogs.blackberry.com/category/devices-2/blackberry-passport-devices/

In class 7, we touched upon the news of Blackberry’s most recent phone launch: the Blackberry Passport. Blackberry has once again taken on the focus (differentiation) strategy, where they are focusing their sales on the enterprise segment, and they have set their smartphone design apart from other rivals such as Apple and Samsung as they are powered by its own operating system and the “Passport” has a mini keyboard on it.

Blackberry has adapted many features into this new phone in order to allow work focused users to be able to work in an efficient manner. For example, it has a great touch sensitive screen which allows multiple gesture-based shortcuts. The phone is also specially designed with extra width (a square screen) to allow users to edit easily. Voice commands are introduced into the Passport. With all these functions, it can be seen that Blackberry has finally caught up with the new technology, and is going back on track.

However, although I love how Blackberry has not blindly followed the smartphone trend and has set themselves apart with a very focused strategy, I feel that Blackberry will not be able to return to its peak previous sales of 13.2 million in 2011. This is because the trend of having a Blackberry is long gone, and people have now all settled for either an Apple or a Samsung phone. With the newest iPhone 6 very hot in the market right now and most people adapted to the Android/Apple system, it is unlikely customers will switch back to Blackberry and its unique operating system. From what it seems, the system doesn’t seem very user friendly (a lot of special hand gestures for shortcuts) and any adaption time may waste work users’ precious time (inefficiency).

On the other hand, I think Blackberry will also face competition from the tablets/ipads in the market. Having discussed with my father who is a work focused user, I realized their wants has actually emerged to tablets/iPads. Tablets are very light with far bigger screens, a much longer battery life and a lot of storage space. Through the android system, tablets such as the Samsung tab 10.0 is able to open multiple programs at the same time and still work very efficiently. They also have a big screen which allows reading to be much easier and enjoyable (in comparison to small cramped writing). Thus, tablets can also be more beneficial in many areas in comparison to Blackberry Passport, such as for looking at very visual presentations and even watching videos.

In conclusion, I think that Blackberry Passport may only appeal to a very limited audience. Even within the work focused segment, customers may find other phones/tablets more productive. Therefore, I think if Blackberry wants to strive for improved sales, they should expand on their model and make it less exclusive, and more user-friendly.

Work cited: Kelion, Leo. “Blackberry Rethinks the Keyboard.” Technology. BBC News, 24 Sept. 2014. Web. 26 Sept. 2014. <BBC News>.

Nike Sweatshop Problem


picture cited from: (http://www.largewalls.com/nike-shoes-wallpaper-2/)

Words of Nike’s sweatshop problem have spread around the globe like wild fire, resulting in Nike’s brand image to come tumbling down. Nike has tried hard to mend its image and turns things around. It’s acting up on its corporate responsibilities to ensure their employees are treated fairly: e.g. it has created “Fair Labour Association” which establishes “independent monitoring and code of conduct” within the company.

I think Nike has done well in choosing to outsource their production into third world countries such as Vietnam.  As a result, Nike has made use of comparative and absolute advantage offered by other economies, and ensures production is efficient with minimal costs (labour cost). I believe it’s part of the business responsibility that firms should always try to improve productivity and ensure resources of the world are used efficiently.

However, since Nike is such a big part of the sports good industry, I think that another important corporate responsibility they should keep in mind is their brand image. In the transparent and globalized world we have today, brand names are significant so if they want to keep Nike alive and successful, the firm must ensure non-economic values of business ethics are utilized.

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