The “me” generation


Organization Culture depends on the employees within the company: it is “a pattern of shared values, beliefs and assumptions considered to be the appropriate way to think and act within an organization.”

People always complain that the new Y generation, the Millennial, are lazy, self-centered, and demanding. The bad news for them is that this new generation is going to take over the workforce eventually: according this article, study shows that by 2025, nearly 75% of the workforce will be overtaken by Millennial.

With this ‘takeover’, I believe that the future organization culture of companies will change. As the Y generations are much better at technology and enjoy teamwork, company operations will certainly adjust to how these people best function: work will be more likely done through teams use of technology. Digital communication has become one of the Millennium’s best skills, thus I anticipate it’ll become a big part of the organization culture: people will connect to each other through online medias, such as Google +, Facebook etc instead of ‘old-fashioned’ e-mails and letters.

Generation Y also have a different social/work mindset, and this cause them to be motivated by different incentives. For example, their ‘laziness’ may cause them to be motivated to work in a more flexible workplace over pay incentives. As a result, organization cultures will be further transformed as HR has to set up different strategies to target and motivate the ‘new’ workforce.


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