Flow Battery: a new breakthrough


Structure of a flow battery.
Source: http://www.tantaline.com/Flow-Batteries-568.aspx 

According to this recent article, flow batteries may be the “key to chancing the way electricity is stored in the grid”. Flow battery is a new technology which enables energy captured from solar and wind power to be stored, which in turn allows renewable energy to become more “reliable and cost effective,” thus can become more widely used.  This is potentially a significant breakthrough as the globe is trying to promote sustainable and clean sources of energy. If the renewable energies could be finally stored and used whenever the company/individuals need it,  then humankind would no longer need to rely on limited resources such as coal and oil.

The introduction of flow battery could make change production lines, as well as the structures of new technologies such as the familiar electronic cars. As large amount of energy may now be stored in liquid tanks a low cost, this would car companies such as Tesla to be able to build batteries that support fuel miles well beyond 380 miles. This would solve one of their major weaknesses and make the Tesla cars more attractive.  If the concept of flow batteries become increasingly globally recognized, this may change production lines, and improve operation efficiency in many companies. In addition,  emissions may be greatly reduced as energy production finally finds a reliable clean alternative.

Although this new technology may need a few more years to develop to ensure absolute safety and reliability, I think this is a significant step of humankind towards a more sustainable, greener future.


Article source: Canada, GE. “This Technology Could Be the Tipping Point for Wind and Solar Power.” GE Innovation. The Globe and Mail, 17 July 2014. Web. 29 Sept. 2014. <http://www.theglobeandmail.com/partners/ge-innovation/this-technology-could-be-the-tipping-point-for-wind-and-solar-power/article19657727/>.


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