Just another UBC Blogs site


As I was browsing through the web, I came across an article that talked about how Asian consumers make purchasing decisions (Class 15). I found it very interesting seeing as I am Asian myself.

So, the article said that according to a recent Google study, Asians rely on the internet to find out more about the products they want to buy.

Results showed that eight in ten people across Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand researched online before making a purchase at a retail store.

After reading this article, I realized that not only Asians but girls (not sure about guys) generally spend a lot of time on online stores. I know as a fact that some of my friends spend hours on sites like Forever21, American Apparel, Urban Outfitters, Nordstrom, etc. without purchasing the product online. As we can see from the article, the internet is a good opportunity for companies to get their products out there. Companies do not necessarily need to expand into online shopping (because some companies would not be able to fund it) but frequently updating their sites with their latest products would be helpful.




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