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Good business ethics? Not Foxconn!

One of the 300,000 workers from Foxconn Technology, the main supplier of most of Apple’s products, rather die than to suffer working in the company’s factory. This was at least the tenth employee suicide of the year. Is that realistic? Are conditions that bad?

Yes, they are.

“The company is obsessed with security, and I must say that, from the outside, the place looks like a prison” said Geoffrey Crothall. Factory workers suffer from huge workloads for pennies a day and are constantly being beaten and humiliated.

“In America, Apple is one of the best and most employee-conscious companies in tech, but consistent reports of worker abuse and unhappiness in China really does raise the question: is Apple having the wool pulled over its eyes by companies like Foxconn and Wintek over the well-being of the workers who make our MacBooks and iPads?”

Profit may appeal to be the most important thing in a business but as they realize later, no matter how hard they try, they are far from achieving their goals without business ethics.

Business ethics works on eliminating exploitation; however, Foxconn has failed to do so.

Click on the image below to listen to a news report regarding this case





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