Ooh Canada

Assignment 1:5 – How F’s Came into the World

How F’s Came into the World

I have a story to tell. I warn you, it is not for the faint of heart.

Some legends will tell you of how love grew in the world. Other legends will tell of how evil was brought into the world. Although important, there is one legend that is truly the most daunting, terrifying, and regretful of them all: how F’s came into the world.

One morning, in the hustle of the UBC Buchanan A building, a classroom of undergraduate English students found their seats. Each one sat down, place their bag beside them, brought out their notepads, and eagerly awaited for the day’s lesson to start. Professor Thomson approached the head of the classroom and turned to face her students with a fresh and friendly face. Professor Thomson was known all around campus for being one of the most kind-hearted instructors at the University. Legend has it you could intentionally knock her briefcase out of her hands and she  would be the one to apologize to you. Never had anyone seem Professor Thomson so much as furrow her brow at a student.

As the class commenced, Professor Thomson began to teach about William Shakespeare’s play, The Taming of the Shrew.  Suddenly, in the midst of a sentence, the door at the back of the classroom flung open. A troubled student, let’s call him Jeb, casually strolled in. Professor Thomson had been interrupted, however, she simply smiled and welcomed him to class. He plunked down in his seat and the lesson went on as planned.

The following week, Professor Thomson continued to lecture about the play. Again, mid-way through her class, Jeb casually strolled in late. This time Professor Thomson simply smiled and said, “Jeb, if you could try to be on time just once, I would appreciate it so much!” Jeb simply replied with a grunt and the lesson went on. Professor Thomson informed the class that their paper on Katherine’s character development was due next week.

One week later, Professor Thomson accepted all the students’ papers with a smile. Except one student was missing: Jeb. With only ten minutes left of class, Jeb walked in confidently. Professor Thomson took a deep breath, smiled, and welcomed him to class. Jeb grunted. Professor Thomson then asked him, “Jeb, do you have your paper on The Taming of the Shrew?” Jeb looked up at her and replied with a smirk: “Oh, you were serious about that? Sorry, I had more important things to do.” Professor Thomson paused, unsure how to proceed. She took a deep breath and said, “Jeb, I understand you’re busy. I can give you until tomorrow to get the paper to my office.” Jeb laughed, “No can do, lady. I got things to do.”

The class went silence. Professor Thomson stood there and stared at Jeb, the corners of her mouth slowly inverting into a frown. Everyone watched as her fists began to crumple into two balls tightly held to the side of her body. There was only silence.


The class went so silent that a light breeze sounded like a tornado. Professor Thomson collected herself, as if recovering from a demonic possession. She looked at Jeb, who stared wide-eyed as a silent tear rolled down his cheek.

Professor Thomson approached him, her hands shaking and her heart heavy: “Jeb, I am so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Please, I take back everything I said. I’ll give you another chance.”

But, of course, it was too late. For once a story is told, it cannot be called back. Once told, it is loose in the world.


This was so much fun! My story turned out to be a lot longer than I thought it would be, but I’m really happy with how it turned out. I wanted to do something riffing off of the “how evil came into the world” idea from Thomas King’s book about the witches. However, I really wanted to make it funny. By placing it at UBC, I thought I could make it relatable to everyone in this course and thus, hopefully, make it funny! I made up the Professor with my own last name and obviously made up Jeb, so no  real life people were used.

When I told this story to my family, I really tried to emphasize certain parts to enhance the story. I watched a video on how to tell a good story. It really went over slowing down when you tell a story and pausing at the proper moments to build upon the drama or comedy. I highly recommend giving it a watch!

Overall, this was a really fun assignment and I’m glad I got to make a quirky, light-hearted, and fun story!


Work Cited

Charisma On Command. “3 Principles to Master Storytelling.” 2 Oct 2017, Youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDp9hVDL49Y.   Retrieved on 23 Jan 2020.

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