Unit 4 – Reflection Blog (Web Folio)

Reflecting on the Web Folio

Creating a web folio is an excellent way to showcase the knowledge gained in ENGL301. I had to consider what it would convey to my audience. I decided to reflect on the progress that I have made after some thought.

So, I planned to build my web folio upon the blog I had already created. While all reflection blogs were not necessary to include. They help to capture the progress that took place throughout the course. Keeping these reflection blogs allows me to demonstrate my ability to be self-reflective and take constructive feedback, which is necessary for any professional-setting. This, in turn, would help me exhibit my acquired skills and knowledge to potential employers or clientele.

In addition, I have gained more confidence in writing technical documents. I am proud to display the assignments that I’ve worked on. As they are examples of my ability to produce high-quality work. Giving a comprehensive overview to those interested in working with me.

Creating the Web Folio 

There are, however, a few things to remember when creating the web folio! One of the those aspects was how to presenting information in a clear, concise, and appealing manner. It can be overwhelming to figure out the back-end due to all the components involved, even though I only needed to make a few adjustments.

One issue that I encountered was with assigning posts to pages in my website’s navigation menu. I had to watch a few tutorials to figure out how to navigate and utilize the platform functions effectively. However, after some experimentation and exploring the different features, I figured out how to assign the appropriate posts to their respective pages (taking about an hour). Ultimately, this allowed me to create a more user-friendly and readable web portfolio.

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