Unit 4 – Reflection Blog (Self-Assessment)

When choosing my last classes before I graduate, I took on the challenge of learning a new form of writing. Despite being more comfortable with essay writing due to my major in university.
Moreover, the language that it’s taught is not my first language. English is my third language which, in turn, made me insecure about my grasp of the language. I felt like my native-speaking peers had a natural advantage over me in the (online) classroom.

Particularly during challenging moments, I found it difficult to maintain conciseness when writing on a technical-level. I agonized over word choice or how a sentence flowed within a paragraph. However, this was not without making a conscious effort every time I wrote an assignment. I often labored over previous readings (our textbook) or guides (you-attitude) provided by the instructor.

However, my progress would not have been possible without the collaborative element of the (online) classroom. I was able to build my confidence through peer-review and the instructor’s feedback. A different perspective helped me gain confidence in what I did correctly. While identifying the errors that I needed to improve upon. It reinforced the importance of revisiting, revising, and refining your work throughout the course.

Learning a new form of writing has been a valuable experience. I developed the skills of concise and clear writing. In addition to understanding the importance of adopting a reader-centric approach. It has equipped me with the necessary skillset to effectively communicate information to various audiences.

Ultimately, I have enhanced my ability to convey complex information in an easy-to-understand way. Having completed this course, I am confident that I can succeed in writing for the marketing and e-commerce fields.

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