Unit 2 – Reflection Blog

Drafting Memo for LinkedIn Profile

This assignment allowed me to think about how I wanted to be perceived by potential companies that could employ or recruit me in the future. I learned the importance of choosing your audience carefully and tailoring your profile to your industry (or field) of interest. From my research, I implemented techniques like avoiding buzzwords and endorsing others to create a more refined profile that made me stand out from my competitors. In addition, these techniques allowed me to eliminate unnecessary information while adding more details about my skills, experience, and education to my profile. When I seek employment, this assignment gives me confidence in presenting myself as a professional to employers and recruiters in the future.

Proposal for Formal Report 

Having relocated to Ottawa, I had difficulty developing ideas that involved local participants in surveys and interviews. The collection of primary data would be difficult due to my limited connections in the community. I decided to reflect on my experiences as a note-taker and ask other note-takers about their experiences. I observed that many of us struggled to receive feedback or were frustrated about not being fairly compensated. Ultimately, this gave me a concrete idea for my proposal and resolved my proposal’s primary data collection issue.

Peer Review with Alethea 

Althea was my peer-review partner in our writing group for this assignment. She chose to make her proposal about the limited opportunities to facilitate casual/impromptu interactions between team members in Digital Services at Public Services and Procurement Canada. Based on what I observed, the focus of her proposal was clearly articulated and organized. The proposal contained a few grammatical errors. However, they didn’t detract from it while being read. I noticed how clearly and concisely she addressed the audience. In this way, I became aware that my writing could use some improvement in that aspect, as I often assume that my readers know what I mean. Althea gave me similar feedback regarding writing to an audience, allowing me to revise my proposal and improve my writing skills.

Outline for Formal Report 

Initially, I was quite nervous about writing 12 to 14 pages for a formal report. This is because I’m unfamiliar with the writing and document-style. So, it felt daunting to me. The outline helped break it down into smaller tasks, making the writing process more manageable. Additionally, using the outline gave structure and organization to the content of the formal report. This will enable me to focus on the quality of their writing rather than the quantity (which was my initial worry).

Concluding Thoughts on Unit 2 

Overall, I found this unit pretty eye-opening. It provided an insightful learning experience on an academic and personal-level. It showed the different applications that technical writing has in formal (a formal proposal) and informal-settings (social media platform). Using technical writing, I might be able to make user guides for my employer’s beauty products or a document with detailed instructions for planning an event like a surprise party.

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