
Hey there! My name is Cheka. I am a fourth-year student in Interdisciplinary Studies. Where my focus in the program is English, Media, and Asian Studies. I am finishing up the last semester of my undergraduate degree while living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

I am currently working on a part-time basis as a copy-writer. Initially, I wasn’t interested in becoming a copy-writer for my long-term career. However, I found the work to be enjoyable! My growing interest in copywriting is one of the reasons why I chose to take this course. I hope this course will improve my skillset in composition as we will produce various forms of writing like resumes, memos, and packages as a part of our assignments. While giving me a better understanding of how to implement the appropriate language (grammatical structure, syntax, and style) in different settings.

When I am not studying or working, I spend my off-time doing activities like reading, kick-boxing, or playing with clay in the ceramic studio. However, the most relaxing activity is cuddling with my cat and dog at home.

While writing this bio… I have realized that graduation is quickly approaching which is a little stressful to think about when juggling school, work, and friends.