Best Works

The following page contains my best works from previous assignments from ENGL 301.

Definitions Assignment 

For the definition assignment, we were asked to write three technical definitions (parenthetical, sentence, and expanded) for a word or phrase relevant to their field of study. The assignment aimed to teach us how to write clear and concise definitions that can be easily understood by individuals who are not familiar with the terminology.

Definitions Assignment

Peer-Review of Definitions

Byung Sun’s definitions assignment was my first peer-review. This was my first time reviewing someone else’s work for the course. Although, I found the peer review process challenging. It was a beneficial experience for me. As reviewing my peers’ writing has helped me develop effective writing techniques.

Peer-Review of Definitions

Formal Report Proposal

The assignment aims to generate ideas and draft a proposal for a formal report. I chose to analyze the lack of resources available for supporting note-takers and enhancing students’ learning experiences in the note-taking program. The proposal acts as an outline for our research, discussion, and recommendations.

Formal Report Proposal

Formal Report Proposal Memo

After completing our formal report proposal, we had to compose an email memo addressed to Professor Paterson. In addition, the memo summarized the components of my proposal I intended to include.

Formal Report Proposal Memo

Formal Report Progress with Surveys

An email memo was created to provide an update on our progress on the formal report. The memo provided a description of the audience, the purpose, the significance, the objectives, the research plan, and the writing schedule. I formulated questions for the surveys. I attached links to the two surveys below.

Formal Report Progress Memo

A link to the note-takers survey.

A link to the clients survey.

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

The LinkedIn best practices assignment required us to research and identify the components of a compelling profile that facilitates networking and promotion. This assignment intended to provide our group members with tips on enhancing their LinkedIn profiles. While aiming to promote a thorough understanding of LinkedIn as a social media tool for fostering professional connections.

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

Memo to Evan Crisp

We were tasked with providing Evan Crisp, a fellow student, with tips on composing a formal email addressed to a professor requesting to join the class full-time. The assignment discussed how to be concise and to the point and adopt a professional tone by using the “you-attitude” concept. Furthermore, this was beneficial to learn for future writing projects in the ENGL301 course.

Memo to Evan Crisp

Peer-Review of Formal Report 

Carman and I partnered for the last peer-review for the course. I was pleased to review her draft of “Implementing Joining Online Waitlists and Viewing Waitlist Times Online at Cactus” for the formal report. I focused on identifying and correcting grammar errors during the review process. Lastly, I ensured the writing flowed well and verified that citations were appropriately placed.

Peer-Review for Formal Report