Everybody wins!

Zappos, the largest online shoe shop with a great customer base. What makes this company different from other online shoe stores? As we have talked about this in class, they have great human resources management. They realize that working in a 24/7 call centre may cause high levels of stress. In that case Zappos tries to make the day at work as pleasant as possible, such as providing free food. The company believes that by creating an excellent organizational culture will not only benefit the company, but the customers also. Zappos offers free shipping, 365 day returns and rare real human call centres. They believe by having great customer service will cause automatic word of mouth recommendations, and that is exactly what happened.

A few days before this class I myself have attempted to place an order to Zappos for a pair of rain boots. Before entering my credit card information I discovered Zappos is only available to consumers in the United States. This may be a disadvantage because while this business is growing rapidly it is not keeping up with demand. I believe it will be beneficial if services were offered to the entire North America.

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Zappos is such a great company to work for, their employees found it was necessary to make a music video about it.

Read article here.

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