Shanghai,a new trade zone in China

(Reuters) – China opened a new free trade zone in Shanghai on Sunday in what has been hailed as potentially the boldest reform in decades, and gave fresh details on plans to liberalize regulations governing finance, investment and trade in the area.

It is Obvious that this plan will elevate trade in the east part of China into a new level and also allow Shanghai to develop world-leading financial and economic trades, which means Shanghai may exceed Hong Kong and become the largest Free-trade zone in China.In addition,for the Chinese and foreign banks in Shanghai, the regulations tend to be eased, which helps a more free trade to be developed in China. Furthermore, international trade could potentially reduce funding costs for Chinese firms and expose them to a more-opportunities but also a more-competition environment. This will provide Chinese banks and domestic corporations more trades and clients. For the citizens, what really attract them is that Shanghai will turn to be a shopping paradise after Hong Kong and they can get rid of the difficult procedure of Permit.


The S-1 said that Twitter has 215 million monthly active users but is not yet profitable. During the first six months of 2013 the company pulled in $253.6 million in revenue, but its net loss increased by 41 percent to $69.3 million. And The company is hoping to raise $1 billion during the IPO, which could value the company at $15 billion.But Twitter is also facing much trouble, among which ramping up global ad sales, fighting spam, and boosting engagement among users in the United States are the main. In addition, Twitter’s business competitors, like Facebook, is also threatening its profits.

As a large part of Twitter’s revenue is from ads, such raising can improve Twitter’s popularity and attract more people. And as mobile devices are becoming a kind of necessity in our daily life, revenue from ads in electronic devices can also make positive benefit to Twitter. Moreover, database which is collected by Twitter is also a large resource. According to different favors analysed from what people posted, Twitter can make specific marketing targets. I think in this way, Twitter can make more profits and hold more market shares in this competitive market.


The US Government shutdown and economic influence

The U.S government has partially shut down after midnight of October, 1st, 2013 because Congress failed to pass the expenditure budget for, which makes up to 800,000 federal workers faced life without a paycheck. As it is the first shutdown in nearly 18 years, the main reason of this is that both the House and Senate refuse to pass the budget and health care reform.

The economic influence of such event not only effect the US nation, but also the whole world.  The economic growth will decrease by 1.2%. In addition, the gold price already dropped 3% on the first day of the shutdown and it is expected to continue to go down.On the other hand, tourist industry has been impacted greatly because of this. As the day of shutdown if exactly at the National Day of China, thousands of tourists from China failed to visit all the places which they previously expected to go. Moreover, the shutdown also has negative influence on domestic economy. It is obvious that those federal workers who are facing employment tend to reduce their daily expense, which, in return, can not bring positive incentive to economy.

People prefer Apple rather than Blackberry

Apple launched its new productions, Iphone 5S and 5C, on the 20th of September and all the loyal fans were crazy about how to be the first one getting the new iphone. However, just weeks later, Blackberry is on the verge of bankrupcy and in talks with Cisco Systems Inc., Google Inc. and SAP AG about selling them all or parts of itself.

A man walks by a Blackberry sign at the smartphone maker’s campus in Waterloo, Ont., on Sept. 23, 2013. Sources have told Reuters that BlackBerry is in talks with Cisco Systems Inc., Google Inc. and SAP AG about selling them all or parts of itself. (MARK BLINCH/REUTERS)

Why Apple can exceed Blackberry? Hunger marketing and technological innovation.  Apple reduces the production of iPhone 5S and even stop producing iphone 5 any more in order to create an illusion that there is a shortage of supply. From what  I learned in the  microeconomics, shortage of the products will increase the price of the products. On the other hand, Apple refresh its productions frequently, which make customers keeping purchase new things. Moreover, technological innovation also attracts customers’ eyes. Pursuit of new life and new experience makes people keep trying new devices. Although, it seems impossible to reverse the fact that Blackberry is suffering from selling itself, if the Blackberry can improve its marketing process and show more creation in its productions, it can definitely compete with Apple in the same market.

Blog 1 (Business ethics)

As a social activity, business is supposed to maximize the the profits of stakeholders because stakeholders, who found the corporations, hope to gain maximum return on their previous investments. In the process of making profits, as the business activities of corporations are connected with suppliers,  customers and their employees, it is essential for companies to act within the law.

Reported in Business Ethics,  as the largest retailer, Walmart blacklisted some manufacturers which are reported for their safety problems and labor violations last month. Regardless of the legitimacy of such announcement, the action of Walmart merely protect its own reputation. In order to maintain the status among customers, Walmart’s unilateral action hindered the profits of its suppliers, though many customers tend to believe that Walmart protects the rights of  Bangladesh laborers.

The real business ethics that  Walmart should follow is to improve working conditions in Bangladesh and security of workers. Only in this way, can Walmart establish and maintain a good connection with its both suppliers and customers.

In conclusion, when making business activities, managers and employers should not only apply their own ethical standards, but also act within the law and protect the rights of suppliers,  buyers and their employees, because responsible behaviors are important to  business success.