People prefer Apple rather than Blackberry

Apple launched its new productions, Iphone 5S and 5C, on the 20th of September and all the loyal fans were crazy about how to be the first one getting the new iphone. However, just weeks later, Blackberry is on the verge of bankrupcy and in talks with Cisco Systems Inc., Google Inc. and SAP AG about selling them all or parts of itself.

A man walks by a Blackberry sign at the smartphone maker’s campus in Waterloo, Ont., on Sept. 23, 2013. Sources have told Reuters that BlackBerry is in talks with Cisco Systems Inc., Google Inc. and SAP AG about selling them all or parts of itself. (MARK BLINCH/REUTERS)

Why Apple can exceed Blackberry? Hunger marketing and technological innovation.  Apple reduces the production of iPhone 5S and even stop producing iphone 5 any more in order to create an illusion that there is a shortage of supply. From what  I learned in the  microeconomics, shortage of the products will increase the price of the products. On the other hand, Apple refresh its productions frequently, which make customers keeping purchase new things. Moreover, technological innovation also attracts customers’ eyes. Pursuit of new life and new experience makes people keep trying new devices. Although, it seems impossible to reverse the fact that Blackberry is suffering from selling itself, if the Blackberry can improve its marketing process and show more creation in its productions, it can definitely compete with Apple in the same market.

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