Will people accept artificial eggs?

Last week, an artificial egg product called beyond eggs went on sale. Aside from being cheaper and more humane than real eggs, Beyond Eggs attempts to solve the problem of sustainable protein.  Beyond Eggs is made of ingredients like peas, beans, sunflower lecithin and canola. It is meant to replace traditional eggs in every type of existing food – whether it be cakes, cookies or mayo.

Compared to traditional eggs, owing to the fact that no chicken involved in the process, could artificial eggs be accepted as future food? As artificial eggs are 19% cheaper and have a longer shelf life, they should be perfect substitutes for eggs. As its cheaper price, there will be hardly any baker refuses to use it. In addition, as artificial eggs are produced in the laboratory, influence from climate and disease can be minimized. Moreover, different ingredient can be used to satisfy different people, such as vegetarian and those who are allergic to eggs.

However, the selling of artificial eggs may not be as smooth as we think. After all, artificial eggs can trigger mental blocks when eating. People tend to take artificial eggs as  genetically modified food and refuse to take it. Although the ingredient used to produce artificial eggs are from plants, but no clinical data ca be found to support their edibility.



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