The Intractable Social Problems Have to Be Solved By the Society as a Whole

UBC’s Sauder School of Business, where I am studying, set up the Arc program to help address the social issues in developing countries, such as Rwanda, South Africa…etc. The Sauder students and alumni worked together and benefit the population of the participating countries through internship or workshops.

Hence, you may ask, why do the developing countries need Arc since the United Nations takes responsibility and capable of helping them?

Well, the answer is that the work cannot be done by the United Nations only, all the citizens ought to make efforts. The United Nation may be able to offer economic or material aid in short terms, but they are just scratching the surface but not a permanent cure. In order to make lasting impacts, the concept of social entrepreneurship is introduced. The entrepreneurs are not mainly focused on profits; they are interested in creating imaginative ways to settle the social issues from a different perspective. They are actually not businessmen. They are “social men” who work for the impoverished all over the world. Certainly, the continuous expansion of Arc cannot leave with the Government support; it demonstrates that social entrepreneurship is the combination of business, social, political and moral factors. The participants can get the practical experience and know how to manage the limited time and money while their work empowers the entrepreneurs and benefits the developing countries.

The things they have done are more than creating social responsibilities; they are building brighter future for the people in the developing countries. Therefore, we need social entrepreneurs, we need the young business generations’ power to change the world and build a brand-new image of business people.

The Market Improvement Shown By the Declining Jobless Rate in Canada

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The jobless rate in Canada reached its lowest point in October since 2008. Except New Brunswick, the economy in other provinces added more jobs in manufacturing, self-employment and private sectors. Recall my previous blog, it’s said that Canadian young workers were jobless; but now, they seem to solve this problem by either starting their new business or being private-sector workers.canada660-final

Definitely, this news is worth celebrating; however, we should think about the reason behind the phenomenon. The increasing demand of workers in manufacturing and natural resource sectors indicates that the globalization is functioning well so that the supply of imports rises (because the population in Canada does not change very much, namely, more supply is caused by the demand from worldwide places). Secondly, we can see the potential hidden behind the alternative energy development. The natural resource will someday be used up and working on the development of the alternative energy technology is crucial to dominate the future business. Thirdly, since the unemployment rate of young workers is still twice higher than the overall jobless rate, the government should further encourage the entrepreneurship. To be more specific, the government can lower the interest rate of loan to promote the young generation to start an enterprise. Besides, this policy will also help the current Canadian government to win the vote if they do so.

In general, the declining jobless rate in Canada not only is good news for all the citizens, but also benefits the Harper’s Conservative a lot.

Comment on Samar’s Blog, the Exciting Progress On the Reduction of CO2 Emissions

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According to Samar’s blog, there is a great piece of news which is carbon dioxide can be captured from the power sector! Although the technology is “fresh off the boat”, it has the large potential to be applied worldwide. In the short term, the government may spend millions of money on developing the new-coming technology; however, in the long run, Canada will not need to buy more quotas of carbon trading and achieve their promise to reduce the Carbon Dioxide emissions.co2-Emission

Successive emissions of Carbon Dioxide is the major cause of the global warming and extreme climate events; almost all the countries are suffering from it. For instance, melting glaciers and the increasing sea level are not only environmental problems that long for solutions, but the economic loss as well; therefore, either from the environmental or economic perspective, the technology benefits Canada a lot.

Also, the development of technology demonstrates that the fixed cost is going to be variable in the long run because the quotas that the company had to buy in the past to get the permission of releasing Carbon Dioxide are not fixed anymore since they have the ability to store Carbon Dioxide by themselves.