Comment on Samar’s Blog, the Exciting Progress On the Reduction of CO2 Emissions

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According to Samar’s blog, there is a great piece of news which is carbon dioxide can be captured from the power sector! Although the technology is “fresh off the boat”, it has the large potential to be applied worldwide. In the short term, the government may spend millions of money on developing the new-coming technology; however, in the long run, Canada will not need to buy more quotas of carbon trading and achieve their promise to reduce the Carbon Dioxide emissions.co2-Emission

Successive emissions of Carbon Dioxide is the major cause of the global warming and extreme climate events; almost all the countries are suffering from it. For instance, melting glaciers and the increasing sea level are not only environmental problems that long for solutions, but the economic loss as well; therefore, either from the environmental or economic perspective, the technology benefits Canada a lot.

Also, the development of technology demonstrates that the fixed cost is going to be variable in the long run because the quotas that the company had to buy in the past to get the permission of releasing Carbon Dioxide are not fixed anymore since they have the ability to store Carbon Dioxide by themselves.

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