” If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”?


There is an old Chinese proverb “Give a man a fish, you feed him a day. Teach a man to fish; you feed him for the lifetime”. The difference between social entrepreneurship and charity is that charities always provide direct funds or goods and materials to the person who needs help. However, social entrepreneurships provide people with job positions as well as business opportunities to make earnings by themselves.

give a man a fish

Supposed the United Nations is fully funded permanently and it provides financial support to poor people for the lifetime. The poor people would not try to seek jobs because they can gain profit without doing anything. To make matters worse, some people may even quit their jobs.


Furthermore, it is win-win cooperation between the firms and employees. Social entrepreneurs who produce labor-intensive and low technology products is able to cut down the cost of manufacturing in long term. Besides, low-income people are able to gain new skills and gain social value. Nevertheless, social firms need to pay more fees for training and educating employees than normal profits at the beginning.

In all, we need the Arc or social enterprises to teach low-income people how to work which feed them for lifetime.


Work Cited:


2. http://skollworldforum.org/about/what-is-social-entrepreneurship/

3. http://cdn2.yourstory.com/wpcontent/uploads/2013/07/social-entrepreneur-word-cloud-1.jpeg

Why did Microsoft partnered with Dropbox when it has One Drive?


The integration of Dropbox and Office software enable customers to access Dropbox files from the Office app as well as edit Office files from the Dropbox app in phone, tablet or computers. What interest me most is that Microsoft has its own cloud storage software—-One Drive.


OneDrive Dropbox
File size restrictions? 2GB None with Dropbox apps
Free storage? 15GB 2GB
Paid plans $2/month for 100GB, $4/month for 200GB $10/month for 1TB
OSes supported Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Blackberry, Kindle Fire
Users Quantity Unknown 175 million

According to the table from the websites, we can find out some reason why Microsoft chooses to cooperate with Dropbox:


1. Increasing need of file hosting services: an increasing number of people own computers, smart phones and tablet and use all them to read or edit files. People need convenient software which enable them to read or edit their files in all electronic devices.

  1. One Drive is mainly available for the Windows products and clients must sign up for a Microsoft account. By contrast, Drop Box is more suitable with the majority brand of electronic devices.

3. Dropbox storages over 35 billion Office documents. By cooperation, Microsoft and Dropbox is able to attract more co-customer.


Generally, the combination provide mutual customers with convenient and convenient way of working on the document, which is a win-win cooperation for Microsoft and Dropbox.



Work Cited:

  1. https://blog.dropbox.com/2014/11/dropbox-microsoft-office-partnership/
  2. http://www.theverge.com/2014/11/4/7153975/dropbox-microsoft-partnership-microsoft-office
  3. http://images.bidnessetc.com/img/73634c1dcbe056c1f7dcf5969da406c8-microsoft-corporation-msft-and-dropbox-announce-partnership.jpg
  4. http://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/dropbox-microsoft.png
  5. http://www.highpoint.edu/techblog/files/2014/11/2014-10-31_09-39-10.jpg


Holacracy—– New Management Without Manager


Holacracy is a innovative human resource management and its authority are allocated throughout a self-organizing teams rather than a top leader.


According to the report, 80% of Zappo’s 1,500 employees are now working under Holacracy. In Zappo, each employee reports to the other people in their “circles”, which are assigned an organizational goal to achieve.    As we all know, the managers always want the tellers to work hard so that she can meet her operation target. Nonetheless, the workers always take on-the-job leisure and could not make the use of their effort.


Holacracy is able to solve the Principal- Agent problem. Firstly, without a manager, everyone in the “circles” regard themselves as a small leader and have the same share profit as a group. Holacracy arouses the enthusiasm and efficiency of employees to achieve the organizational target. As a result, faster, more appropriate and well-round decisions was made to solve problems. Furthermore, Holacracy is able to make Zappo hold Highly Effective Meetings. Each employee can be assigned to several “circles” which aim to solve different kinds of problem. The Problem-Centered organizations enable the firm to to address concrete tensions efficiently without waste of time.



Work Cited:

  1. http://www.businessinsider.com/majority-of-zappos-employees-donthave-a-manager-2014-11
  2. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/rJqvirv0mzGp1z5zByxDr6icwnKXCidhMSJl_tvKqNkhM8nia_36N2cRYsq9MHA7baM529XSjWW30XU1drao97uLmT_eRxmOeNFzeSOKnxF3f9eqtE3nQYvmmg
  3. http://holacracy.org/
  4. http://abovethelaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/zappos-logo.gif


Comment from external blogs —- CSR and Women’s thinking



As can be seen from Andrea’s blog, she thinks highly of women’s thinking and decision-making when providing ideas and tools to promote sustainable development and social responsibility. It is because women tend to higher level of empathy and interest in environmentalism and they are possible to be the potential customers of green products.

To achieve a sustainable development, firms always have to increase the price to cover the growing cost. As a result, it is crucial for the company to be explicit about what their potential customers want.

Palm with a plant growng from pile of coins

Since parenthood especially mothers are more respond actively to the green brands for the reason that they consider more for descendents. Companies who want to incorporate social duty and create shred value could attract more customers by incorporating the “family health” concept with their product. Furthermore, Firms could also highlight the influence to descendents and future environment in marketing to arise people’s empathy and incentive them to buy the product. For example, the electronic cars company such as Tesla could put advertise about numerous children live in less air pollution environment in the future if their customers choose to drive green cars now.


In all, understanding women’s sustainable brains helps the firms to promote strategies to attract holistic, sustainability-conscious buyers who are willing to pay more money for the social issue.



Work site:

1.Gender and the Sustainable Brain – My Solutions Journal Piece

Poste on March 8, 2011 By Andrea Learned





Alibaba Needs American Market


Respond to Mark Graham’s Blog

The historic IPO of Alibaba attracts the attention of a large portion of investors and brings Alibaba to the world stage. Alibaba is a Chinese e-commerce company which provides retailer platform via websites, electronic payment services, and could computing services.alibaba1

In Mark’s view, it is better for Alibaba to stick to the Asian markets instead of American markets because of the high entrance barrier and competitive opponents. Nevertheless, I hold total different ideas with him. To achieve the globalization goal, Alibaba has to have a e-commerce center in USA.


There are several reasons why Alibaba can earn profit by entering the American Market. Initially, Alibaba is making profits by selling advertisement, providing website service which is different from Amazon and Wal-Mart which are benefiting from selling products. In other words, the task of Alibaba provides the largest marketplace in the world for others to sell. In the big marketplace cycle, the more buyers come, the more sellers come which resulting in more buyers and more sellers. By entering the American market, they can Americanize their business model and provide a platform for transactions between local firms and clients.

Furthermore, because of the low Chinese labor cost, Alibaba is capable of providing cheaper products compare to Amazon. Alibaba enable American sellers to buy Chinese products in a more convenient way.


Work Cited:

  1. Mark Graham’s Blog “we don’t need America”https://blogs.ubc.ca/markgraham/2014/11/05/we-dont-need-america/
  2. YouTube Video “ Alibaba effect” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbuVfwWIT40
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alibaba_Group
  4. http://www.biznews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/alibaba1.jpg
  5. http://fm.cnbc.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/img/editorial/2014/09/05/101975912-alibaba-group-jack-ma.530×298.jpg?v=1409937696