Comment from external blogs —- CSR and Women’s thinking



As can be seen from Andrea’s blog, she thinks highly of women’s thinking and decision-making when providing ideas and tools to promote sustainable development and social responsibility. It is because women tend to higher level of empathy and interest in environmentalism and they are possible to be the potential customers of green products.

To achieve a sustainable development, firms always have to increase the price to cover the growing cost. As a result, it is crucial for the company to be explicit about what their potential customers want.

Palm with a plant growng from pile of coins

Since parenthood especially mothers are more respond actively to the green brands for the reason that they consider more for descendents. Companies who want to incorporate social duty and create shred value could attract more customers by incorporating the “family health” concept with their product. Furthermore, Firms could also highlight the influence to descendents and future environment in marketing to arise people’s empathy and incentive them to buy the product. For example, the electronic cars company such as Tesla could put advertise about numerous children live in less air pollution environment in the future if their customers choose to drive green cars now.


In all, understanding women’s sustainable brains helps the firms to promote strategies to attract holistic, sustainability-conscious buyers who are willing to pay more money for the social issue.



Work site:

1.Gender and the Sustainable Brain – My Solutions Journal Piece

Poste on March 8, 2011 By Andrea Learned




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