The Stratagy of Vera Wang in Chinese Market

Vera Wang is a company which designs and sells luxurious wedding dress. The company was founded in New York, and it opened it’s first flagship shop in Shanghai China on January, 27th, 2013. After that, many Chinese girls bought their wedding dress although the price of their dress is very high. Some Chinese girls even announced that if they could not have a wedding dress from Vera Wang, they would not get married.

How can Vera Wang be so popular among these Chinese girls? I think the most important reason is their bussiness stratagy. When they opened their flagship store in Shanghai, the price of a wedding dress is from 30,000 to 300,000 RMB. The store is about 800 squre metre and has more than 80 sets of wedding dresses. Every customer has to pay 3,000RMB to try the dresses, and they have only one and a half hour to try them. This attracted many bad public opinions for the company, so they stopped charging this fee at last.

However, I do not think it means that the company loss in the battle. In contrast, this can be seen as an advertisement for the brand. After this, Vera Wang became a luxury brand in many Chinese girls’ mind, and the status of Vera Wang was highly improved. Also, many stars had worn Vera Wang‘s wedding dress like Avril Lavigne and Chelsea Clinton. This have attracted more and more Chinese to buy their product. In conclusion, thier stratagy in China is a complete success.

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