First nations partner issue

The Tsilhqot’in has title to 1,700 square km of land in the western province of British Columbia. It is an example of first nations territory ruled by the government. The first nations have causes some effects on some organization’s business model.

These businesses may want to mine precious metals inside the territory of the first nations. Or like the Nortern Gateway pipeline to carry Alberta crude to the west cost, it come trough the land of the Tsilhqot’in. Thus, athough they have the permission of the Canadian government, they need to negotiate with the first nation’s government.

This is because these programmes affect the indigenous’ life to some extent. They may cause environment problems like water pollution or deforestation. So the aboriginals may have trouble hunting and fishing, or the next generation may suffer from shortage of resources.

The people who own the business should do something to prevent this. Something they have done like sharing the interest or building schools for the aboriginal area as an exchange should be add to their business budget. Also, it is their responsibility to due with the environmental problems cause by thier programes. They should build connect with these first nations and seen them as a partner with their business. If they don’t, they may face legal issues. So these first nations can be seen as an external factor that impact the business model.

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