Why Apple Delay the Time to Release Iphone6 in China

In mid-september, Apple Inc. announced that Iphone 6 and Iphone 6 plus would not be released in the main land of China. There were many comments on this event. A news website in China thought that the new smart phone needed a net license to come into China which they hadn’t get yet. Some people said that Apple Inc. had wasted time negotiate with China Unicom and China Telecom. Many net friends thought that it was because of territorial disputes on the app of google map.

I think that some some of these opinions have a big probability to be the right one. But I want to think of it in a different way. In my opinion, this might be a strategic plan of Apple Inc. As we all know, China is a huge market for smart phone products. So that Apple really wants to make a purchase boom in the main land of China. It sent out the message to delay the time of releasion and use the customers’ mentality. Customers’ desire to buy the product would rised dramatically. With this effect, Apple may increase the sales in some extent. On an other hand, many scalpers appears in this situation. They will sell the product in a much higher price. As a result, people are more willing to pay for the price set by Apple although it is more expensive compares with the price in north America or Hongkong.

Also, I can see a disadvantage of delay the release time in China mainland. Apple wants to sale an amount over 9,000,000 units in the first weekend. But the delay may obstruct this plan.

I am looking forward to the selling amount in Chinese mainland.

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