Small Company’s Human Resource Management

Human resource management is an important part in a company’s system. It manages their workers, creates an organization culture and affects customer services. We have read that how “Happy Feet” treat their employees and improve their customer service. But how can small companies create a better working environment for their workers?

Small companies do not have abundant capital to improve the employees’ wages, or to provide free lunch everyday. They cannot provided everything their employees need like Google or build a golf court like SAP.  Their workers are not well trained, and they can loss skilled and talented workers very easily. Here are some simple but useful tips for smallcompanies. They can be attractive to both existing and potential employees.

  1. Prepare a small room so that the employees can have a nap in it. The only things needed in this roon is couches, blankets and an alarm clock. Some research said that sleep in the day time is a good way to active people’s body.
  2. Reimburese  the membership fee of the gym for the workers. Small companies do not have enough money and places to build a gym inside their company. So, why not let their employees go to the gym and keep healthy without any charge outside their working place?
  3. An online dating company called Zoosk wants to build an enviornment that is friendly to dogs. They think that dogs can make people happy and make an active atmosphere. If you are a person who loves dogs, then go to Zoosk!

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