Sauder Frosh- A Small Scale Disaster

At the start of the new school year, many UBC commerce first year students participated in Frosh, a three-day-long event to celebrate their achievement of being accepted to the Sauder School of Business. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst when “rape chants” were recited on the buses to and and from events. To parallel this occurrence in a large company, for example, a CEO could be accused of sexual abuse or of illegal practices. In this case, the whole company would be under intense scrutiny from the media. In the business world, a disaster like these rape chants could mean that the future of the company could be at stake. Fortunately for Sauder, no company is in danger of being shut down, but the public view of the school is now tainted. Sadly, even the Sauder and Lee families are mortified that their names are attached to the events. The faculty and students of Sauder are now facing media ridicule, whether or not they had any control over the events. All students are now getting a taste of how an event of this scale could affect a business, and they are learning to uphold the school’s values.

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