The Shift to Self Employment

In the past year, self-employment has risen 3.6% in Canada. In between August 2012 and August 2013, 95 600 self-employed individuals accounted for 40% of new jobs. 75% of the newly self-employed are women. This fact is interesting, as it illustrates that many of the people being laid off from companies are female.

There are both pros and cons to this rising number of people working either from home or from personal offices. On the positive side, self -employment leads to new ideas, innovations, and self-employment can spur innovation and entrepreneurship, and pave the way for the creation of many small businesses that may develop into larger companies. However, many Canadian firms are concerned about expanding payrolls, due to the uncertain economy
But the growing trend also reflects an aversion by many Canadian firms to expand payrolls amid uncertainty about the economy.

For the self-employed individual, the benefits of working from home are innumerable. Self-employment means flexible hours, and especially for individuals with families, this might be a key criteria for finding a job. It also means unlimited avenues for creativity. Unfortunately, self-employed professionals lack the benefits such as healthcare plans, and pension and retirement funds.


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